Occupy The Next Level…
Our business and our lives come in levels and one level is just as important as the next. But the choice to freely move to that next level has been given to us and its our choice to exercise that choice…

We plan for the next steps coming ahead of us, and we write out The Plan and make it simple for all to see and understand. But still we find ourselves in the way of The Plan…

Ready To Give Up…
I was ready to give up at many points before but this time it is different. I was ready to really give this all up and throw in the towel as I started to just find peace in the silence…

The Circles…
Self-control is a test of life that is needed to help us be successful in our business and in our life…

Mental Work…
I was able to see and experience accomplishing something that I set my eyes on accomplishing, while also realizing now that I entered life with the wrong mind set…

Don’t Reach…
It’s hard to learn in our current season if we keep trying to reach beyond our own capabilities…

The Relief…
I still performed my duties and performed them with a smile on my face, but that didn’t neglect the relief I was deeply longing for. I needed relief…

The Equilibrium…
The resources or the byproducts of life we long for will come to us once we stop trying to balance our own lives…

Living It…
I was really careful to not put too much on the day…That amazing beach day in October…I was trying to move on and let the past move on…

Present Together…
It’s good to have people by your side, but its right to also be by their side…

Really, Again…
We can rush as much as we want to do but there might be moments where we will have to go back on repeat…

Talk To Yourself…
The people we either have personal and/or business relationships with deserve words of life because You deserve words of Life…