Bringing clarity to an overwhelmed mind in business and in life…

Self-control is a test of life that is needed to help us be successful in our business and in our life. Can yourself control your faith and remain faithful to the plan? It’s hard to move on to the right plan if we are still second-guessing ourselves. It’s hard to be lead straight to the answer, if we keep leading ourselves in circles.

One of the things that I was never taught how to do but was always made aware of was leadership. I went to business courses on leadership, and I attended conference after conference on leadership. I was given all of the written material with some “practical” walk throughs or roll plays to help paint a better picture of leadership. But some things are really better taught while performing them on the job. For me that was the case as I discovered that leadership was more than being Michael Scott. A friend to all…

For the most part I would say that I have been gaining some positive ground on keeping myself self-controlled. What I mean by that is staying focused on the course at hand and try not to be wavered by what my eyes see. Stay the plan towards what My God, My Yah has planted within me, those plans that I have envisioned for things to be. We all have this seed that has been planted within us and it’s our job to keep it watered and fed with the right things. For its the right food that will help to birth exactly what has been intended for you and I to serve to each other. But at times I knew that I would second-guess myself on choices early in life. They were minor actions in the past that ended costing me greater in the long run. I second-guessed myself so much that I couldn’t tell someone something as simple as what I liked to do. I was working hard at my job both at work and at home but I failed to put in any self-work. I failed to seek God’s advice, the creator of myself, the One that knew me before my parents knew me.

I was going in circles in life trying to be savior to all and to every situation in hopes to help me heal without putting in any work. If I could be the blessing then I would get blessed, but life was and is different now. I no longer have my hands out nor behind me, because now I have them up as I surrender it all to Him. It was time to grow up and put in my work in the family business. I couldn’t afford to go in circles anymore as life was becoming too much of a daze. When all along the answer was straight ahead of me, beyond where my eyes could see, but as far as my faith would take me.

I was so busy doing that I worked myself out of faith and into chance. Every chance that I could take my eyes off of The Plan for my life and go my plan the busier I looked. But in the end, I was coming up empty handed I couldn’t produce any fruit. I started to get promoted in work and moving up to leadership roles that required more of me, but I was still learning me. I really stopped putting in the self-work and at one point was just running on fumes. I was trying to be this great leader by doing what everyone said in books and on podcast and I was leading my team in circles. Literally we kept having the same outcomes over and over again, year over year. If anyone looked at the beginning performance charts of my early leadership years, it would be a big circle of ups and downs. No real growth, but no real loss. You know just enough to stay floating but never anything significant for true growth.

Instead of remaining the course and controlling myself to keep the faith and stay focused on The Plan at hand, I would drift off and begin to do my own thing. It got to the point that no matter the season, I was relying on my plan instead of The Plan the team discussed and agreed upon. It got to the point where I had to surrender myself, I had to make that choice and start over. I literally stepped down as an Administrator for a Home Health Company and entered the crazy world of SNF Business Development, Marketer, Community Liaison, whatever you want to call it I went into outside sales. I knew that if I was going to be successful in business and in life, I needed to learn how to be self-controlled in all aspects of life and business. It was time to get from behind the boss desk and go back into the field and learn how to be lead. If I was to lead my life according to His will and everything in it, then I needed to lead myself to His will and enjoy the lesson of life and business.


Creative Work…


Mental Work…