Our Story


Right Mind, Right Words, Right Actions…

My name is Lorenzo and I am the creator of Stop N’ Smell The Poop. I began this self-management journey in order to understand who is this person Lorenzo. I didn’t begin this journey because it felt like the right time. I started this journey because I had nowhere else to turn. The road that I kept choosing for myself was just tiring. I would ask myself why I keep putting myself into these situations, and I could never come up with an explanation. Well, I could never come up with an answer because I never owned my own choices. I lived in denial instead of living a life of denial. I was denying the past choices I made that kept me in this never-ending loop of wrong turns. I lived in denial, succumbing to its grip on my mind consistently reminding me of my wrong choices, and not letting go until I accepted them and repented. Until I accepted my choices and repented, or you can say change my thought process so that my actions didn’t repeat the same wrong choices, I was living in the world of denial.

Finally, I accepted my wrong choices, repented, and began on my self-management journey. I was beginning the process of re-shaping my mind back to its original state. But it wasn’t by my choice, more like I had no other option. I got to a point in my life that I felt completely lost, empty and alone. I went through broken relationships but lived in denial, denying that broken relationships would ever happen to me. Instead of accepting it could happen to me and focus on gaining the knowledge and understanding of what actions to take to avoid broken relationships. I dealt with financial issues and was doing the same thing as with my relationships. All this created a habit of wrong choices. It came to a point either I was going to give life one more chance, accept God’s way and be all in and begin making right choices, or make my last wrong choice in life and never know God’s purpose for my life.

From making the right choice and choosing God’s way the creation of Stop N’ Smell The Poop was birthed. It was created as a way to share with others my story. By providing insights and thoughts through the knowledge and understanding gained from my studies of God’s Kingdom, and the mentors in my life. It was created so that others can learn with me as I reshape my mind back to its original state and be able to apply what is needed to their life. At some point we have to make the choice to stop and check our own output, Stop N’ Smell The Poop.
