Bringing clarity to an overwhelmed mind in business and in life…

Rushing the process…

We hear from so many people not to rush the process because it seems to be a true and tested statement every time. In business and in life we can find ourselves wanting to rush through a step especially if we have been here before. We know we shouldn’t rush the process, but we rush through it anyways. Yes, it’s been said before, take your time and try to relax your mind. But still there is something about rushing the process especially if you have been “here” before. It’s always easy to be the best listener when you’re trying something new and you’re starting to like whatever it is. For me when I finally went out with some friends helping to teach me to surf, I was the best listener. Surfing was something on that bucket list of things I wanted to do and knew I was going to actually do. It was only a matter of courage to finally get me out there in the water and surfing. So, when I finally built up enough courage, I was the best listener and listened to every word of advice they were giving me. At the beginning I was a real sponge, and it was amazing, but that beginning stage is that, just a stage, a step along the journey.

By no means was I some amazing surfer just shredding it up and down the coast, but at some points I felt like I was. See, after a few months of surfing the same few spots every week I started to become comfortable with myself and with water. I soaked up just enough knowledge and understanding to find my comfortability spot in the moment. I was catching on enough to where I was riding some nice waves and enjoying every moment of it. The more “I have been here before” moments that allowed me to be more comfortable the more I enjoyed it. See, I wasn’t the best surfer just shredding it, but I sure did feel like it. I was getting into My comfort zone, and it was just enough to get the pat on the back here and there. As my comfort zone grew and those “I have been here before moments” became normal the more My comfort zone planted itself in me.

The more I grew into my comfort zone and being stuck in the mindset of “I have been here before” the more I was actually limiting myself. In most things that I tried for the first time that I was actually interested in I was always the best listener. I wanted to soak up as much as I could so I could go out and actually do whatever it was. From surfing to business coaching/consulting I hit the point of “I have been here before”. At the beginning it’s all about repetition and it’s a smart concept of training because one is trying to create a habit that will benefit whatever It is. With surfing and kayaking it was all about just getting out there in the water and being in the elements. It’s amazing because the more you go out in the water the more you realize weather patterns might look the same, but they all don’t act the same. With writing I was always setting the same ambiance to write to. I was out in the water and back home writing about my adventures with God (Yah).

I was liking the process and I became very comfortable in the process. I was so comfortable in that it started to become second nature to me. As my comfort zone grew the more, I tolerated with where I was at, but it was hard to see that because I was creating a good habit. I rushed to find My comfort zone so that I could get into action, because its a true and tested statement that I tried, repitition. As I rushed to get into my groove and create this good habitual repetitive act of doing action over and over again the more My comfort zone grew. I was rushing the process into finding My comfort zone, a zone that was above average but never touched the impossible beyond. Really, again I was placing a limit on God (Yah) as I placed a limit on myself being focused on rising above the repetitive work. “I have been before” being rushed into my brain as I rush off to My comfort zone passing by any information to help me reach beyond.

Many times, in life and in business we tend to rush pass those things, those steps we have been taking for years. The “I have been here before” becomes too comfortable as we rush into action not realizing we are trying to outrun something that has been present all this time. Its not for us to rush pass a step because “we have been here before” and we feel that we know all of its ends and outs. Yes, there are times in life that we will have to go back and repeat those steps we rushed passed. Maybe we made a mistake during the last rush attempt and now we are given a redo. Or maybe we didn’t make any mistakes at, but we are back on repeat to find a new way to think through a situation. We can rush as much as we want to do but there might be moments where we will have to go back on repeat. Really, again…


The Extra…


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