The Equilibrium…
Bringing clarity to an overwhelmed mind in business and in life…
The resources or the byproducts of life we long for will come to us once we stop trying to balance our own lives. We want to see and experience our businesses and lives growing in the right way. We go about our day walking this tight rope of faith but at times we are so busy looking to the right and left of us trying to keep everything balanced. Along with walking the tight rope of faith in our God (Yah), we are to also trust in Him, and that He will keep our businesses and lives balanced. It’s not our job to stress over the simple resources or byproducts of life. We are to stay focused on trusting in His faith as we see and experience our businesses and lives growing in the right way.
I caught myself walking the tight rope of my Yah’s faith, but I was also focused to the right and to the left of me. I was so busy ensuring that I keep my life and my business balanced I was finding myself stuck in places. In all too afraid to look ahead and trust in His faith, fearing I would fall. I was fearing I would fall because I wasn’t ready to fully let go of control over my life. Even though I knew I have to trust and have faith in my Yah’s plan there still was this little bit of fear of letting go. I wanted to see my business increase in the right way. I wanted to see my life increase in the right way. In all Yah wanted see me increase my trust in the right way.
I kept finding myself stuck at this specific point in my life and in my business. I know that I can take everything beyond a certain point of stagnation, but I failed to exercise the right mindset in order to see it happen. As much as I know that I am not perfect I still was relying on a lot of me to take this business, this life to a point that would bring the peace I was longing for. I had to come to the real realization that I actually didn’t own anything in my business and my life. My Yah was the one that planted this seed in me, and I needed all of Him in order for everything to grow the right way. But I was so busy watering the seed He planted in me with Me, I couldn’t figure out why things came to a halt. In all Yah wanted to see me increase my trust in the right way.
He wanted to see me let go of my fears and let go of my self-doubt. I had to let go of Me and my own thoughts and hold on to His truth. For His truth was the exact nutrients needed to water the seed He planted in me. It was never my job to stress over the little byproducts of life, the resources that I was longing for. In all it was never a job in the first place, but the real way of business and life. As I walk the tight rope of my Yah’s Faith, I also walk in His Trust. I Trust that His voice will keep me perfectly balanced as I obey Him. I Trust that His voice will keep me perfectly balanced as I take charge of the command He has given me. If I desire to see my business and life increase in the right way, I will walk the tight rope of His Faith Trusting in Him in every step that I take.
“Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee. Trust ye in the Lord forever: for in the Lord JEHOVAH is everlasting strength:” (Isaiah 26:3-4)