Talk To Yourself…
Bringing clarity to an overwhelmed mind…
Maybe we should start to talk to ourselves more. Do we already do that? Well, at least I know that I talk to myself and have on many occasions been caught in the act. Recently a few weeks ago I went surfing and caught a decent wave and as I was paddling back, We were having a mini convo. Me, myself, and I were discussing the wave and to just stay calm and keep breathing, and in that moment, I knew someone caught me. It was obvious because a couple of fellow surfers were looking at me both with the same weird look, yep there is no one there but me, myself, and I and We got caught. Anyways long story short we should talk to ourselves more and more. We all deserve to receive words of life...
At one point in my life, I was my biggest critic and instead of having conversations with myself I tore Me down. To be honest I don’t really know why I was so hard on myself expect for that I never lived up to these “expectations”. I wanted to be perfect in other people’s eyes so instead of having conversations with myself I chose to be my own critic. The pay was lousy as most of the time I was too busy for anyone except for me and my own thoughts. I was critical of me, I was critical of my time, I was critical of the opinions of others, I was critical of others…In all I was critical, and it got to a point where it began to spill out into my personal and business relationships. With very few words of life tossed about here and there in passing conversation I knew that my critical thoughts couldn’t exist anymore. I needed to have conversations with myself speaking words of life into me. I wanted to show love to others, but it was hard when I was my own worst critic. I treated others how I treated myself and not with hurtful intentions. Who in their right mind wants to hurt themselves every single day?
I needed to show love to others, but it was hard when I was my own worst critic. I wanted to show love to myself but now I need to show love to myself. For when I show love to myself then I know I will show the same love to others. I needed to have healthy conversations with myself that spoke words of life back into me. Even in times of trouble and needing to change my thoughts from wrong to right I still have to be mindful of Myself Conversations in that I am speaking words of life back into me. I am never a failure, but I made a mistake and need to change my thought process, Thank you Father for allowing me to recognize this, Amen. I can’t be critical of me because who am I to judge. My personal and business relationships aren’t here for my judgement. My personal and business relationships are here so we can build each other up together.
“…Love the Lord your God (Yah) with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” (Matthew 22:37-40)
Talk to yourself more and be less critical. The people we either have personal and/or business relationships with deserve words of life because You deserve words of Life.