Ready To Give Up…
Bringing clarity to an overwhelmed mind in business and in life…
The gifts in you are ready to be poured out. Ready to be used and you’re up. It’s not the time to give up even though its the easy thing and might feel good to just let it go. Still, as relaxing and as good as it might seem to think of just stopping there is something in me that won’t let go. There is something in me that is still hanging on by a thread.
The times have been quiet for me and at points it is unexplainable to be honest. As I get on the phone with friends and family talking and shooting text messages back and forth my mind is quiet. As I encounter people out in the real world these real thoughts that use to just flow have become a quiet stream. To be honest at moments I would think to myself when will the water turn back on, when will this silence make a drop. I was ready to give up at many points before but this time it is different. I was ready to really give this all up and throw in the towel as I started to just find peace in the silence. As I pray and ask God for guidance all I hear is nothing. I know that He is there but in these moments all I could do was turn to those things I knew I should be doing.
As time went on in my business and in my life the silence started to become a little overwhelming. But was it overwhelming, am I just having an inner panic attack? I couldn’t dare claim those things for myself out loud but my heart/mind was feeling these things. My words seemed to escape my mouth and I couldn’t figure out where they were going. Just a few days ago the water was flowing really heavy in my thoughts. But as the rain outside began to pour out on us my inner water began to dry up. It felt like a drought, and it started to feel good, and I was becoming ok with it, but there was something keeping me hanging on. I was ready to give up and I truly wanted to give it all up. The silence was becoming comfortable to me but still something in there is hanging on.
My business and my life were doing good, and I couldn’t complain so why run away from this silence? I am seeing some growth in both my business and my life, but was it up to Their standards? Was it even up to my standards, which was hard to say as the silence was starting to become comfortable. I was no longer going through the mundane circles of life but entering a path I have never taken before. I’ve seen this path before, because I have encountered this path a couple of times. But the silence in the past was too much as I longed to hear His voice even if it meant being corrected, being disobedient. At least I knew He really was there, but this time it was different. I started to like this silence, and the more I liked the more I was ready to give up. Still there was something in there hanging on.
Even as I write this blog right now there is more silence and peace than I have ever experienced before and I am ready to give up. I am ready to give it all up to Him and begin to walk in faith as I cross into the flowing river, the river that I know will guide me along the way. I have encountered this part of the journey before but I longed to hear His voice and in the past would’ve rather been disobedient to His word just to hear His word. But if I was to take my business and my life to the next level I must cross into the flowing river. In the past I was longing to keep that inner water flowing freely within me as I knew that He was there with me. But at some point, I need to put in the work for I know the things that I should be doing. I wanted to stay wondering by the riverbanks because it was comfortable, and I knew the banks. I knew where the food source was going to come from. I knew that if I stayed close to the river then the water was just free for me to drink from and ideas and thoughts would flow like before. But how long could I stay on the bank of the river? How long could I stay at this level of business and life?
I was ready to give up my comfortable place along the banks of His river and time for me to cross into the river. It was time to get in the boat and start rowing to new areas of business and life. Areas that I know that are there because He placed these beautiful images within me, but this time I would have to give it all up. I would have to give up the comfortable life style where I knew where everything was coming from. It was time for me to also put in the work and explore new areas of business and life. It was time for me to take that initial push off the bank of comfortability and not just say but know in my heart/mind He has me. I know I will encounter some storms along the way and the waters will get rough, but I know that if He is for me than who can be against me? How can the storms of business and life destroy me if He is the creator of them all? Yea, I am ready to give up my comfortability on the bank of the river of life and enter into the life He already prepared for me. For I know that any storm, any test, that I encounter was already designed for me, and I already overcame them. It was time for me to pick up my paddles and get to work.
At points in our life we hit this place where everything seems to just go silent. Our business and life on the outside will seem good but internally we enter into this new battle. This battle of either enjoying the silence and making up our mind to just start paddling or stay on the banks of comfortability. It’s a choice that we must make and as much as we pray and sing praises to our God, our Yah, we still are left with a choice. Are we ready to give up that comfortable bank where food was provided and enter into the waters of the unknown that will unknowingly take us to the life He already prepared for us?
“What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?” (Romans 8:31)