The Stretch…
In some seasons our wants and desires can blind us from the need to just sit and stretch for a bit...

Habits of Pressure…
Where we place ourselves mentally is where we will physically place ourselves…

Along The Way…
Those disadvantages of the past and the future have the ability to keep Us ignoring the signs along the way…

What To Do…
No matter where you go and what you do in business life and life there is a test, storm or opportunity…

Meaning of This…
“It is right in front of our face, even though we don’t physically see It yet…”

Speed Up Time…
“…These desires drive us forward as we work them out of us from our minds to paper, and then lived out…”

Firm Stance…
“…a firm stance in knowing the right work will be done to obtain all that we are to inherit…”

Intentional Cultivation…
“…the focus isn’t on the desired outcome’s arrival, but intentionally cultivating righteously…”

Sharp Refined Shape…
…change can happen, will happen, and we just have to be ready to adjust…

Use It or Lose It…
“As the days and time goes on with the practice of putting It into action the worries of loss begin to lose their grip upon your life.”

Effectively Busy…
“He portrays and lives a simplified life. An effective busy patient life that is producing a surplus that is growing.”

Through The…
No matter if I was celebrating It or trying to understand It, I’m realizing I should always work through It…

Feeding Frenzy…
“A feeding frenzy no matter physical or mental can be time wasted and that is time we can never get back.”