Bringing clarity to an overwhelmed mind in business and in life…

There is so much that we can eat on to sustain our physical and mental hunger for days. No matter what you have thought of or talked about you can find help in whatever the conversation or thought was about. With all this information at our fingertips just ready to be fed on we must be careful not to lose focus of The Plan. There is nothing wrong with all of the information that we have at our fingertips as it has been and can be useful when fed upon it right.

When it comes to food we can find pages of health benefits and risk. We all have that one HealthNut family member or friend that is a book of knowledge for the healthy body. I have a friend that is my go to HealthNut for healthy body living. It helps that she is a nurse, so I get a full complete picture on the now and later benefits and risk of anything in regard to a healthy body lifestyle. Just as much as my friend the HealthNut knows all there is to know about a healthy body, We should also strive to know just as much or more for our mental strength, clarity and overall health. When we are feeding on information, we should know what goes in and what needs to stay out. There is amazing information for all of us to learn and possess but not all information is right for me.

“All things are lawful for me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but all things edify not.” (1 Corinthians 10:23)

Just because I can have a feeding frenzy on all information like food, doesn’t mean its right for me. We all have the same or different fields we are designed to be working in and that is a design by our God, our Yah. When I was younger I was playing sports and into everything sports. But during that same time, I remember my dad being in his office working on his many business deals. I would be at home studying film in whatever sport I am in at that season, while my dad is practicing his speeches on us asking us for criticism. During my younger years information about business was good and I still reviewed it with my dad, but sports information was right for me in those seasons. The same was true for my dad as he loved watching sports with me, but business information in both the Kingdom of God and business in the world was information he longed for and still does. As I have gotten older the roles have reversed in that I am into business information and my daughter is into sports information, more specifically basketball. While she does review the business material I am studying, and she helps critique my words her love for basketball is right for her in this season. I know she has a goal of making it to the WNBA, so as of right now that is her focus. Will this all change, I don’t know, and I don’t care to know because at this moment she is focused on what is right for her.

I knew as I was finding out more of who I am in Christ and what my true value is I still have to put value into thought. I have to value the thought process I have as I am glorifying my Father through my works. When I am working unto the Father then I know I need to be in communication with Him. There is so much information in this world and while much of it is great not all is right for me. Being able to discern between this information and that is a matter of who am I seeking First? Am I seeking to eat on any and everything or will I seek His Kingdom and Righteousness first so that I only eat on what is right for me. A feeding frenzy no matter physical or mental can be time wasted and that is time we can never get back.


Through The…


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