Sharp Refined Shape…
Bringing clarity to an overwhelmed mind in business and in life…
Building my career on Him…I’ve spent years building with God going up and down the ladders of life. As I would move with God up and down life’s ladders, I would be replacing broken pieces along the way. I realized I needed to build on His word.
It is hard to admit that one can’t see that things have changed in this World. Now, I am not here to argue if some changes are good or bad, but I will say that no matter what change is inevitable. The thing that I will discuss in regards to change is how it has affected what I love to do, and that is business development. I am no expert in the subject but I love learning about business development. For me business development is more than just sales and business. Business development is all about relationship building first followed by the development of business. I say that because in order to know how businesses can serve their services to each other the right way a relationship is built first.
I have been specifically in the healthcare industry for the past 12 years working in various sections of healthcare. The past several months has been by far some of the most enjoyable trying months I have had in this industry so far. The one thing we know for sure is that change is inevitable and no matter if we are ready for it or not isn’t up to us. The only thing we can do is to know that change can happen, will happen, and we just have to be ready to adjust. Many times in my business and in life when change was upon me I wanted to change right along with It instead of making the right adjustments. To be honest many times I changed right along with the changing times. This isn’t the first time that I have experienced change and won’t be the last. But this is the first time experiencing change while growing my business and that caused me to make adjustments instead of changing plans. Now, It didn’t actually happen that smooth but it was a smoother bumpy ride than I thought, and I can handle that.
Change is inevitable and no matter if we like it or not we just have to adjust but at the same time stick to The Plan. For so long I built with God but never put much thought to also build on God. His Word is a foundation that we can build our businesses life on and not just our personal life. As change is happening, has happened, and will continue to happen, I have noticed the change that has caused businesses development to change. In my industry this change is causing many to notice that we are at a point where relationship building is beginning change. Working in healthcare many of my resources are physicians and other healthcare workers at various healthcare facilities. One change that is becoming noticeable is that many healthcare workers are retiring or starting the retiring process. This is bringing in many newer faces as people are starting to get a little more established in their careers and replacing people or in the process of replacing their soon to be retired colleagues. As great as it is to see new faces and old faces in new positions I realized that change was upon me.
See, over the past 12 years I was able to build some contacts that I first built a relationship with. As we built relationships over the years, we were able to also help each other’s businesses out. As I meet new friends and old friends but with new positions, I am realizing that relationship building will have to be focused on. No matter if I am meeting a new friend in an old position or an old friend in a new position the process of relationship building will have to happen. Not all people see the same problem nor do they see the same problem the same way. So how one might have identified a need while working in a certain position has the chance to see the same problem in a different view. As change is happening I have realized I needed to do some work on my skills. Unlike what I have done in the past in both my business and life and that was to change with the changes I wanted to adjust. I could feel worry trying to work its way into my thoughts as the change becomes more noticeable. In the past when change happened, I changed with the times and would try to adjust back when it was too late. This time I wanted to adjust and need to adjust The Plan but still stick to The Plan. It’s been a while since I’ve had to focus on building new relationships with new friends or old friends in new positions. It’s been a while since I’ve had to make some adjustments as organizations and their leaders adjust their strategy plan to the changing times.
Seeking First The Kingdom of God and His Righteousness…Building new relationships with new friends or old friends in new positions on God’s word is an adjustment that I am making. The past several months has felt like my body going in and out of a hot and cold pool trying to adjust to the changing temperatures. The adjustment wasn’t in the changing times but my attitude and character to the changing times. I realized that in order to do this the right way with business life I have to make the right adjustments to my character and attitude. Change is upon us and just as other organizations have done I need to stay the same. Stay focused on The Plan and make the necessary adjustments without losing focus. My God, My Yah has blessed me with the opportunity to glorify Him in my work. I have to keep my attitude and character sharp, my skills refined, and stay shaped to how He molded me.