Bringing clarity to an overwhelmed mind in business and in life…

“I might not get It when I want It…But I do know I will receive It when I need It…”

From the men in my family and around me I am learning patience is a must have trait. But one of those men, my Papa, has this other form of patience that I believe is a learned trait from years of life. My Papa is one of the busiest retirees I know, and he rarely travels far from home. Unless its deer hunting season in which he drives all the way back home to Mississippi, and we are all grateful because deer sausage is the best. For the most part my Papa barley travels far from home, but every time I go to visit, he is working on something new. I find him in the backyard either in his garden or in his garage creating some new gadget because he can’t find what he wants. All day he is effectively busy never breaking a sweat but producing effectiveness that last.

For so long I could never understand how someone always looked the same throughout the day but accomplished so much. My Papa’s house was the first house that I have ever known and is a place that we all still gather at especially when family comes back into the city. No matter if the house is full of family or its just one of us over, Papa is the same cool calm effectively busy man. The most recent times I went to visit my Papa we did our usual walk around the garden to look at the progress and harvest some of the veggies. As we are walking around, we get to the one vegetable that I have been wanting to try for the longest these blueish colored onions. Because they were ready to be harvested my Papa let me take a few home with me. As we made our final stop at the peppers my Papa walks away and comes back with the best deer sausage I’ve ever had, and my day was made. But to top it off he let me pick some collard greens from one of his stalks that had the biggest collards I’ve seen him grow. As we are walking back into the house I realize that from the first years he started to grow his garden to now his garden is producing so much fruit and vegetables that he is starting to produce a surplus.

The size of my Papa’s Garden hasn’t changed size and for the most part everything grows in the same spot every season. But the progressive growth of each vegetable, fruit trees, and muscadine grapes (for homemade dessert wine) at the right time has his backyard feeling like a forest. My Papa’s constant busy work on the garden to get everything started had him busy piecing everything together. Even until this day my Papa is busy tending to his garden. But as I have matured in thought I am realizing that his effectively busy work for all these years has been producing a regular backyard into a busy yard of constant effective work. Because of his continuous effective work, even in his busiest moments he has produced fruit and vegetables without lifting a finger. While the size of the garden hasn’t changed the size of the harvest has increased over the years. My papa’s continuous effective everyday attention to all details of his garden has allowed him to produce a surplus that is growing.

As things become clear on the path God, our Yah, has placed in our lives, and the life He has given us seems to become simplified. While my Papa might have always seemed to be busy out in the yard working in the garden or in the garage. He portrays and lives a simplified life. An effective busy patient life that is producing a surplus that is growing.


Lacking Things…


Through The…