Bringing clarity to an overwhelmed mind in business and in life…

A meaning of this journey is to fight the good fight of faith. “Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses.” (1 Timothy 6:12). We all have faith in something that we are working towards, something that we know is present. We see It just as clear as someone can see their own reflection. We feel It just as one feels the night cool breeze. It is right in front of our face, even though we don’t physically see It yet. But Its presence is evidence of Its existence. A meaning of this journey is to “Fight the good fight of faith”.

When I began my journey in business development my faith was only as strong as what I physically could see and touch. I grew up in church, and being a pastor’s kid, I knew scriptures. But knowing and doing are two different actions to me and I knew a lot, but I didn’t always do a lot. I’ve heard over and over again we should “Fight the good fight of faith”, and it was something that I held on to. These words are words that I still hold onto and apply to my life but as life went on, I needed better understanding. As I start my business life I am holding on to these words of “Fight the good fight of faith”, and to be honest most of my faith was fearful faith. I was fearful of being laid off so I simply held my faith to keep my job. I was fearful I wouldn’t please the higher ups, so I fearfully held my faith to stay on their good side. In all, the only thing I was doing was exercising my acceptance of a mediocre just get by life. I thought I was “Fighting the good fight of faith” but without any intentional direction left me fighting thin air. It says “Fight the good fight of faith”, but it also says remember those things you told in front of people (paraphrasing). I had goals that I needed to meet and goals that I wanted to meet, but I wasn’t taking responsibility for those goals.

I need My God, My Yah in this journey but He also needs me to take responsibility for the goals He placed within me. I needed to confess my goals so I can take responsibility of the action steps that need to be acted out and thought out in order to physically see what I always knew was in my presence. In the past I wasn’t “Fighting the good fight of faith” I was trying to worry faith into the situation when needed. Closed mouths have a hard time eating and in order to get to where I knew He wanted me to be in my business life I had to open my mouth and begin to voice my goals. From then my faith had a target to get to and the fight to stay focused and pinpointed on the target was in full effect. Faith is the builder of confidence, but it also needs a solid foundation to build on. We are only as strong as our foundation, and our faith will only fight as far as We think We can go. The only limitations ever placed on us are the ones we have placed upon ourselves.

“Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight.” (Proverbs 3:5-6, NIV)

The Life He made for Us…


The Tough Ones…

