Along The Way…
Bringing clarity to an overwhelmed mind in business and in life…
The greatest thing about worry is worry itself. This isn’t a statement coming from a place of rainbows and unicorns but a place that has experienced and experiences moments of worry. I know we aren’t to have worries or cares in this world. But still worry is there knocking on the door of my thoughts. “I know I need to…” a phrase that too many times had stopped at “To”, because I allowed that worrisome gnat just enough time to distract my mind and thoughts. For so long I would curl up into a ball in my thoughts as all the worries of this world would be bearing down on my shoulders. Maybe a little dramatic but in the moment that is how it felt. Asking questions and being curious can be good things. But when the questions were always “Why Me?” questions, it was hard to stay focused on the right things unless it had to do with Me.
How can a thing such as worry be so overwhelming in thought that it could make me curl up into a mental ball? Years and years of experiencing the disadvantages of worry. Thinking, living and re-living worrisome moments of the past that have forgotten me and a worrisome future that still has no idea that I exist. If the past worries have moved on without me and the future worries are at work without me then all I have is now. Those worries of the past and the future have become something that I am learning has its advantages. I know that I don’t know everything and that is a beautiful part of this Life. As life is being lived out we don’t always take the right turns down the right path. Even when I use my GPS in my car I still at times have missed the right turn. I am not perfect and realize that if I am capable of missing the very clear turn being told to me in every speaker in my car, I know I can miss some right turns in life. The disadvantage of living in worry was making me feel as though I had no value to give so why not curl up into my mental thoughts and just work it out. But as time moved on and I carried the past worries and future worries I realized I was making too many U-turns. Too worried about things that couldn’t remember me nor knew I even existed.
I was at work carrying the worries of the past and the future down the road. As I carried these disadvantages down the road, I realized my energy would deplete way too fast. In order to preserve my energy and see the advantages of worry I focused on the advantages of worry. I realized that focusing on the worry was a tool I never utilized. If worry was the issue then the question is “Why the worry?”, not “Why me?”. The advantage of worry is the ability to realize its ok to pull over to the side of the road along the journey and gather the right thoughts to start making the right turns. Those disadvantages of the past and the future have the ability to keep Us ignoring the signs along the way. Bringing on the worry…