Bringing clarity to an overwhelmed mind in business and in life…

I’m coming to the conclusion that It, whatever It is in the moment, has to been seen with good cheer. In good times It brings a smile to my face knowing that God was behind It all. In bad times It brings a smile to my face knowing that God was behind It all.

“These things I have spoken unto you that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33, KJV)

These past two months have been polar opposite of each other but ending the same with a smile on my face knowing that God was behind It all. One-month things started off great and ended on a solid note. The next month started off all bad but ended on a solid note. For a couple of weeks, I was thrown off not understanding what was going on in my business life. At one point I was focusing on being consistent in my work and being sure that I pre-planed for the planning. I was focused on being more consistent with my work and I was enjoying the benefits of staying focused on the plan. But just like that the following month I’m barely staying afloat trying to figure out where did all the business go.

I have been working in the world of sales/business developments/marketing for over a decade, and I understand the ups and downs of attempting to generate revenue. More specifically I’ve been through the business cycles of the Healthcare Industry long enough to understand the “Summer Slump”. It’s a time when no one is doing or choosing elective surgeries, because during the summertime is vacation time. One thing that I am learning and applying is that in sales you have to pay attention to the changing times in your specific industry. For what I do the process of receiving business is leaning more towards speed and efficiency and a little less face to face interaction. Pretty much to help in your success its a good practice to have a good book of business with the right connections. The connections that can actually produce what is needed in return immediately or guide you to the right person immediately. I had a decent book of business and understood It was time to grow It, because I relied a lot on past relationships as it helped me in my career over the years. As I began to understand the changing times, I knew that I would have to adjust my approach. After making some adjustments our sales saw the right increase and we were hitting goals as a facility. It was great as we saw the increase and began to reap the rewards of our hard work. It was so easy to Thank my Father for what He did. It was so easy to Thank my Father for how He set us up for the next month to come.

Just as fast as the next month came, I was hoping it would go away the same way, fast. I couldn’t put my finger on It, and I spent some days alone and still couldn’t figure It out. I was focused on making the right adjustments, I was focused on remaining consistent in my focus. But slowly we saw our sales decline as we saw revenue leave the facility with little to nothing too replace what was being lost. I had moments of fear, frustration, anger, sadness, and worry creep in as I was going through It. Each day I was spending hours looking over the work that was in front of me. Some days I was able to get some actual work done and other days I was just on the mental couch stuck in thought. But deep down I knew I couldn’t hang out on the mental couch too long because at the end of the day It produces nothing I want. I didn’t want to be stuck with my hands in the air all day saying why, but instead saying Thank you Father. No matter what It was I just had to work through It. The month wasn’t a good month in terms of sales and revenue, but it was a good a month for new business development growth. It was great as we saw the increase and began to reap the rewards of our hard work. It was so easy to Thank my Father for what He did, as we saw an increase in new business contact.

No matter if I was celebrating It or trying to understand It, I’m realizing I should always work through It with Him. It’s always going to be there and won’t go away. That big win, that big success, or that loss, or mistake. No matter what, either we deserved It or didn’t deserve It, It’s there. It was so easy to Thank my Father for what He did…


Effectively Busy…


Feeding Frenzy…