Use It or Lose It…
Bringing clarity to an overwhelmed mind in business and in life…
The treasure is The Kingdom and its an active Kingdom. To protect it is to use The Kingdom in all that we do by portraying His character of Dominion. When we use It, we all see the great effects of The Kingdom. In all that we are we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.
I am sure this isn’t the first time you have heard or will hear the phrase use it or lose it. As funny as the phrase is to me I do understand how it translates to my life and to others. We all have been blessed with amazing God given gifts. Some of discover our gifts early in life, some in the middle, and some later on down the road. In all honesty once we accept that call upon our life we never really know for sure when things will just excel. One thing is for sure that at whatever moment you begin to discover whatever It is that you have been blessed with its hard to lose It. The reason its hard because you will put into practice over and over again your gift. As you refine, sharpen, and re-sharpen your gifts, your tools, the thought of losing It begins to fade. The gifts that are within us are active gifts that require us to form some action in order to activate that It within us ready to be released. As the days and time goes on with the practice of putting It into action the worries of loss begin to lose their grip upon your life.
For me walking in no activation is like walking in pain but I just can’t pinpoint the exact pain point. It all hurts but the major pain is just everywhere, because I have stressed myself in worry. In those moments that I decide I am taking a little detour and get sidetracked that pain begins. It’s not a physical pain but this mental pain knowing that some corner is getting cut. Those moments I recognize I begin to regress and lose those skills that once came some fluidly. I am beginning to understand that in those moments that I am feeling I am losing It is true because I am focused on exercising worry and stress. We all know that we will face those trials and test but its how you view them and react to them. I have some great people around me but I have a friend that seems to never lose that It, that has excelled her in her career and she is just getting started. I have seen my friend at her lowest and highest points in business, and also right there in the middle. No matter where she is she finds It and gets re-focused or stays focused on The Plan.
No matter what level she might be at in her career she has found that It and can always find It even if she has to spend days digging for It. I have witnessed her moments of worrying if she even belongs in the industry doing marketing and sales. I have also witnessed her moments of walking into a meeting or networking event and owning what she is bringing to the table. No matter if its feeding into the worry for a slight second or enjoying the congratulations, It always brings her back to It. Right back to where she needs to be to stay on The Plan at hand. When she encounters worries she will call one of her friends and those phone calls are a few quick minutes of talking it out. I have been on those calls with her and she just knows how to take the stressed and worried voice back to calm and confidence. She knows where she wants to go in the industry and beyond. She has plans already written out but is also doing the necessary research in order to live in the vision and not just dream it.
When we are focused on It, The Plan that God has planted within us, we begin to get fixated on the It. As we exercise the It, we begin to realize that no matter the circumstance overtime finding It even when I get detoured becomes easier. When The Plan is understood by you in that it will come at you with everything It has enjoy the journey. Use It or Lose It. The stress and worries of the byproducts of life aren’t meant to be stressed upon but added. As we use the gifts within us and give praise to God our Yah the thought of losing our gifts will begin to fade. We will begin to realize that using our gifts activates what is needed for us to walk through any circumstance focused and fixated on The Plan.