Tired of Tired…
We have a limited time to make the right change…But we have eternity to live in righteousness…

Looking For…
…but until the plan has been put into play its just perfect words put together looking for the opportunity to play…

Fitting In Sticking Out…
Back and forth between life and career life fitting in and sticking out...

…Not For Everyone…
“…finding myself thinking and convincing myself that change was needed but in all it was the right adjustments that was needed…”

Ask For It…
…I was hoping for all the guidance, clarity, wisdom, understanding, knowledge, etc. that I could think of to hope for. It was time to take things to the next level…

Business-Life Consumption…
…it’s not the dead things we consume that define us. But the Life we produce…

Skills to Overcoming…
It’s the small details that are being brought to our attention…The details of our character and attitude during each stage of the climb…

Waiting for Victory…
…every goal We already know the Team is going to reach as We create more pressure than our own excuses can handle...

High Cost…
It’s a high-cost game to say one thing but in the heart feel the opposite… But when we come to our test and begin to climb yet another mountain it can take the wind out of you before you even begin to climb…

The Hinderance…
No…It’s not a difficult phrase to say and implement when the No is called for…But We found it difficult to implement No when it came to our inner emotions…

Walking to Maintain…
…the blind trap of running with emotions has me turning my fast pace run into a walk of maintenance. I don’t want to slow down, but I also have to remember it has nothing to do with me…

The Stretch…
In some seasons our wants and desires can blind us from the need to just sit and stretch for a bit...

Habits of Pressure…
Where we place ourselves mentally is where we will physically place ourselves…

Along The Way…
Those disadvantages of the past and the future have the ability to keep Us ignoring the signs along the way…

What To Do…
No matter where you go and what you do in business life and life there is a test, storm or opportunity…

Meaning of This…
“It is right in front of our face, even though we don’t physically see It yet…”