Bringing clarity and vision to an overwhelmed mind in business life and in life…

The VICTORY is walking through It. The victory wasn’t in making excuses for the pressure, because the pressure never released. The pressure never eased up but kept building. The VICTORY was knowing the Team was always in VICTORY from the beginning.

Our corporate team, our community team, or a combination of both. Our business life and life are consistent of teams no matter the size big or small. We are a part of A Team, a group of friends, a family that we call our own. As a Team we go through our battles, or our pressures of life that seem to build over time. But maybe it’s the consistent building of pressure that allows us to stay in consistent VICTORY? I have been a part of Teams that have had all sort of looks on paper from a team built of complete talent to teams that couldn’t on paper probably find talent if it was right in front of them. But what made some teams consistent in VICTORY was not waiting for VICTORY to finally open the door. It wasn’t about what the paper said the Team was but what the Team decided It was going to consistently be.

When a Team learns to finally endure the pressure and begin to find the comfortability in each stage of pressure the waiting for VICTORY begins to fade. As a Team moves along the many stages of pressure it becomes evident that pressure is all around them. At that moment a Team has to realize that the VICTORY is in every stage of pressure no matter in business life, life or a combination of both. No Team goes looking for pressure but in order to move as a Team to the next stage it will take more than equal pressure to break past any barrier(s) in the way. Are we speaking Words of Life or Words of Death? The barrier(s), the pressure(s), the excuse(s) will always be there because we are full of them.

“Death and Life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit therof.” (Proverbs 18:21, KJV)

The pressure builds and builds overtime but the Team that decides to continue their daily walk of consistent VICTORY over the pressures isn’t waiting on VICTORY because they are in it daily. As a Team the day begins with a daily talk of life or death. Are We going to choose our excuses, our pressures of life that every other team is dealing with? Or will We choose to create more pressure than the pressures of our own excuses can handle, which most Teams can’t handle. Being able to create more pressure than our own selfish excuses is a big ask, because our own pressure can create extra pressure within ourselves. As this selfish extra internal pressure builds it spills over to the Team, which now needs to make a decision. Do We wait for VICTORY and bend to our own selfish excuses, the same one’s that each Team deals with? Or do We realize the Team is already in our VICTORY and continue our walk of consistent VICTORY? A decision that Teams staying out of the comparison zone, that knows it lacks for no resource, an intentional Team that is continuously pouring its own selfish excuses out of the way still has to decide each day. Do we continue our daily walk of VICTORY? Do we remain speaking LIFE into every goal that We already know the Team is going to reach as We create more pressure than our own excuses can handle?

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33, KJV)


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