Tired of Tired…
Bringing clarity and vision to an overwhelmed mind in business and in life…
We have a limited time to make the right change…But we have eternity to live in righteousness…
Dreaming with eyes that see beyond the physical world but searching and seeking within myself for the perfect Self. Not desiring to be self-centered but looking within to find that Self that can handle the pressures of life, the self-imposed pressures. The world we see through our physical eyes provides steps, ladders, and helping hands to push us up. But handling the self-imposed pressures of life pushed me back two steps for every four steps pushed forward. The steps are there, the ladders are there, the helping hands are all around, the push is there. But, not desiring to be self-centered but looking within to find that Self that can handle the pressures of life, the self-imposed pressures.
I can accept the pressures of life as I physically see the underdog take the throne. I can accept the pressures of life as I physically see the top prospect take the top spot. Physically able to see the pressure of life being defeated by all big, small, strong, and those at their weakest points. Physically being pushed up the latter drawn to the sight of success; four steps pushed forward. While holding on and embracing the elevation change as my eye’s viewpoint adjust to the new sights and sounds. Looking within seeking for the perfect Self. But, not desiring to be self-centered but looking within to find that Self that can handle the pressures of life, the self-imposed pressures…pushed back two steps.
“No one should seek their own good, but the good of others.” (1 Corinthians 10:24, NIV)
Weary, tired, exhausted, knowing the right thoughts to gain that well deserved self-rest as I looked within for the right strength to gain back what I lost. I can accept life’s pressures as I have physically seen others gain the top spot. But the more I looked within the more I lost the right viewpoint. I was focused on My Life’s self-imposed pressure. Being pushed up four steps, looking ahead and trusting the steps. But being pushed down two steps as I lose vision of My God’s (Yashua) trust and will. Losing trusts every step forward as I look for the old me to adjust Life to fit My Life’s mold every step of the way.
I can no longer rest in the tiredness and weary, an exhausting self-imposed way of life. A way of life that had me focused on myself, always looking for the perfect Self. Instead of the trust of My God (Yashua). The world we see through our physical eyes provides steps, ladders, and helping hands to push us up. But handling the self-imposed pressures of life has us always adjusting our eyes to fit what we see is best. But it’s not always what we see that is best…