Bringing clarity and vision to an overwhelmed mind in business and in life…

Running wild with this so-called zeal and love for what needs to be done. I find myself running with emotions that at times can be the thing that is my blind trap. As I run wild with feelings of hope and love towards everything I am set to accomplish that has been placed within my mind. The continued faith to keep striving forward as I “Run My Race”. The continued faith to keep striving forward with every stride as I attempt to keep this body and mind fed with the right nutrients. Running, running, running wild as this race provides its rewarding moments. But the blind trap of running with emotions has me turning my fast pace run into a walk of maintenance. I don’t want to slow down, but I also have to remember it has nothing to do with me…

These past few weeks have been great from a running perspective as I round each corner with my team as We find out something new about Us. As We are running wild with this so-called zeal and love for what We do, but are we running into a blind trap? The numbers look great on paper as our relationships with our community partners are starting to settle in. We have been running hard to ensure that we maintain our community relationships and continue to build upon what has been established. We are running with this focus that has us appearing to be working together as One knowing all the ends and outs. It feels like driving a brand-new car off the dealership lot. There has been no thought to what We have been doing except do what We know needs to get done. We have our policies and procedures in place and from the outside looking in we look a brand-new car off the lot with no scratches, no check engine light, no maintenance needed. But are We feeding ourselves the right nutrients to maintain this run…

As We ended this past week We have come to realize that our running needs to be turned into a nice walk for the moment. We aren’t focused on losing momentum, but gaining the right nutrients to ensure that We can maintain what has been established. We have come to realize that the running wild with this so-called zeal and love for what We love to do comes with fine print details. Its great going to the dealership and finding that dream car and driving it off the lot. But what good is the car if we don’t ask the right questions and read the fine print. How long can we maintain our dream cars beauty if we don’t know what it needs so that it can provide to us what it was built for? How long as a team can We strive and maintain what has been established if We continue to focus on Me instead of the We. Our team is great, says everyone when everything is going smooth. My brand new car is amazing and in time I will find out what type of gas it needs or how long I need to charge it for optimal performance. In time We can find out the details, but that leaves Us with limited time to make the right choice.

We aren’t deciding to slow down our momentum as a Team. We are deciding to take this time to ensure that the details are being talked out, worked out, and implemented right. We aren’t looking for the right on time answer. We as a team are taking the time We have realized to turn our running into a nice walk of maintenance. As We enjoy all the details of the scenery around us allowing us to talk out, work out, and implement the right details that is needed to maintain Our right momentum forward.

Thank you Abba…


The Hinderance…


Smallest of Beauties…