Fitting In Sticking Out…
Bringing clarity and vision to an overwhelmed mind in business and in life…
I wanted to fit in and stick out just a bit. I didn’t want the attention, but I wanted The attention. I wanted to fit in and stick out enough, so I wasn’t getting picked last. I wanted to fit in and stick out enough, so I wouldn’t have the dreaded performance improvement plan talk. I wanted to fit into a system where I could fit in and stick out enough amongst the rest.
Back and forth between life and career life fitting in and sticking out. Climbing the ladder of life and the corporate ladder of career life. Wanting to climb all the possible ladders, attempting to fit in and stick out in all systems. Physically I was ready to endure the journey as the chameleon within was fitting in while sticking out just enough as I maneuvered between systems.
Physically I was good but mentally I was exhausted as I was chasing and seeking after the things I physically saw before my eyes. I was chasing and seeking after the good life and after the good career life. Fitting in while my hands are sticking out with all my wants and pleasures in my forefront. While the needs were nowhere to be found. I had good intentions wanting to put my…I had good intentions but mentally I couldn’t endure. All the chasing and seeking after my wants and pleasures of the good life and good career life was too much for me to bare on my own.
Instead of fitting in and sticking out I needed to sit. I had good intentions wanting to gain my life and career life back. I wanted to do His will and correct my wrongs, but I needed to ask His will. I was so busy running from door to door, knocking seeking who will answer the door. “I have a skill set that can be utilized”, but no answers. But what good is a skill if I don’t know how to operate It the right way. It was easy staying busy in all systems doing enough to fit in and stick out, while worrying if today will be the last day. Will this be the last day that I fit in but stay out?
There is a skill within all of us longing to be used the right way. All the good intentions felt good, but what is good without the right outcomes? We aren’t here just to make the team and get picked second to last. We aren’t here to meet the bare minimum. Physically we can endure the journey, but mentally we can place ourselves in situations running from door to door. Attempting to listen to the answering voice, but at times not patience enough to wait and hear His voice, the right voice.
“For I know the plans I have for you, “declares Yashua, “Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11)