Bringing clarity and vision to an overwhelmed mind in business and in life…

It’s the small details that are being brought to our attention…The details of our character and attitude during each stage of the climb…

We signed up to always be in It. The stuff that takes time to build with the right process, procedures, environment, and foundation. It’s a process that takes time and patience in order to see the right outcome. It’s the process needed in order to develop, maintain, and grow the rights skills overtime that overcome. I have met many people who have made a few turns in life. Thinking and planning for one outcome to find ourselves in a totally different unplanned journey. I was planning for a life in healthcare on the clinical side. As much as I planned for it and prepared to go that route it never happened exactly how I thought it would happen. I am working in the healthcare industry but on the business side of things. More specifically I am working in business development, aka Sales. It might not have been the route I was planning for but it is the route that has me trusting in Elohim more than ever.

As much as I planned for a life with many ideas going this way I am not surprised that I ended up on the business side of things. Growing up I watched my dad every week working from his home office. He always worked in business development from the time I could remember up until now. As much as I was planning for one life I was preparing for Elohim’s Life for me. Growing up my siblings and I were truly blessed because our dad was able to have a flexible schedule. He might not have been at everything, but our dad was at most of everything. Now, in the moment it wasn’t always the best to have dad always around. I remember walking out of the locker room to my car one day after practice and I saw my dad. I walked over to him and first words he says, “You know your coach was right you were hitting the holes slow.” From that moment I realized that dad also had the It just like mom. I don’t know what It was but whenever we were in It they knew about It. How did He know? Our dad, with his wonderful flexible schedule, was able to see us in all forms of character and attitude.

One of the greatest lessons my dad has taught me non-verbally was a skill to overcoming business life and life. My dad hasn’t changed much from the moment I could remember. His consistency to be aware of the right character and attitude to have and to always be in. I have seen my dad at the bottom trying to figure out how to keep the rough over our head to recently representing two of his divisions in Puerto Rico all expenses paid. I have seen my dad be at the lowest and highest points of my memory. But the memory that sticks out in every moment was his realization of the right character and attitude to have and to always be in. My dad was able to overcome not because of his own will but his humble spirit knowing It is just a part of the process to overcome and move on to the next stage. The current stage isn’t the pressure but a lack of understanding. I was planning for one outcome but realized I was being prepared to know that I already overcame…

“…In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)


Business-Life Consumption…


Waiting for Victory…