Bringing clarity and vision to an overwhelmed mind in business and in life…

There wasn’t anything new to discover in the moment…Stay the course…Stay consistent…Change is all around and consistency is within…

I was looking for perfection in every place that I could gaze my eyes towards. Thinking of all the great things this perfection would bring. Gazing, thinking, and looking for perfection in all things. I wanted to see that there was more to all of this. I wanted to see the beauty in all of this and know that Its worth It. I was looking for perfection while opportunities stood before me. In business life things can shift and sometimes shift without us even noticing that a shift already happened. The same goes for life as I hear and have said it myself, “Time is flying”. Time just flying by as I look for the perfections in everything that I came across.

To look for perfection required me to stop and gaze for a bit to find the puzzling perfection and think of what great beauty the perfection would bring. As time kept flying by everything was changing around and within me. I had to keep adjusting my focus to re-focus and think about what great beauty perfection would bring. Time was flying by as I re-focused over and over again, never really getting the best angle, but just think what great beauty perfection would bring. As time flew by I just wanted to be in perfect position so I wouldn’t miss the beauty of It all. As I stood gazed at time and its progress all I could think of was what perfection could be. What would this wonderful place be like in its perfection? Time just flying by as I look for the perfections in everything that I came across.

Gazed in thought of perfection as opportunities stood before me. Time wasn’t flying by; time was being lost in thought while looking for perfection. I was looking for the perfect business model, the perfect business plan, the perfect business life and life model I could find. I was gazed in thought looking at perfection while the opportunity to realize it was time to seek was right before me. I wanted all this perfection, but I needed to first seek and find the answers. I want this great business but need the right tools so it can last for generations and beyond. I want a great business life and life but need the right tools so it can last for generations and beyond. Time lost in thought while the answers stood before me.

Many times looking at this perfect model and being sucked in by the possibilities. While neglecting that steps needed to begin in order to bring the thought to life. We don’t go out looking to be distracted by everything perfect in our minds but the thought can be a wonderful place to escape to. The point isn’t to get stuck in thought of this great business life and life, but to realize that these thoughts need help. Thoughts might come out on paper or in conversation but still at some point action has to be applied to receive what is needed. We can speak of the great thoughts, or we can ask how we can bring it forth to life. A business plan and a family plan each have their own thoughts of how things can be applied to reach the perfect plan. But until the plan has been put into play its just perfect words put together looking for the opportunity to play.

“But seek ye first the Kingdom of Yahuah, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” (Matthew 6:33, KJV)


Tired of Tired…


Fitting In Sticking Out…