I am not a military person, but I know what it means to man your post, at least in military jargon. How do I translate that into my life?

As I was sitting and thinking about my writings (books/blogs), and other projects I am a part of I was also thinking more on the phrase “Man your post”. I realize the phrase “Man your post” isn’t just some military jargon as it is a phrase that can be translated into our everyday life, our daily living. The issue I was dealing with in the moment was how do I translate “Man your post” into my everyday living, my everyday actions? I can understand from a military standpoint “Man your post” as your band of brothers is right there also at their post, not moving unless commanded to move. But it was hard for me to translate “Man your post”, because The World is always on the go. Everywhere I turn the next best idea is revealed, as though we are back in the California Gold Rush. Except this time the Gold isn’t just in one place, it can be found wherever you want to be. If I am to “Man my post” will I miss out on the next big thing?

I was really having a moment where I was unsure of what I really saw beyond my physical sight. I wasn’t questioning the vision but some of the choices that I was making and have made along the way. I can beat around the bush all day or call it what it was, Self-Doubt, there was self-doubt of my self-management skills. I was in the court room with myself going over my action plans and my actual action steps taken, and the questioning began. Instead of taking this time to “Man my post” and go over ideas and make any adjustments needed with the proper counsel, I was taking it upon myself to figure these next moves out. Maybe these next moves will take me off my current post for the moment but I will return. Well, that was one way to look at the moment or I could actually do what is the right thing to do. “Man my Post”, not uprooting any progress made and standing firm in my ideas and thoughts, while I call a friend real quick to get some guidance. Just because I saw The World always on the go doesn’t mean that was and is the same life for me at the moment. I had to be honest with myself, honest moment. “Man Your Post”

In that moment of me having this court session where I was questioning everything I did I was removing myself more and more away from my post. Either I was going to make one of two choices man my post and keep moving forward in the right direction, His Way. Or leave my post for a bit to try something else out that I think could be beneficial. This decision process wasn’t anything new, but my new mindset did make me think differently. I had to be smart, use wisdom as they say, I couldn’t just rely on myself for the answers. This time I asked God to guide me to do the right thing, for I know I had to “Man my post” and not just rely on my own understanding. My community, my band of brothers, was relying on me to be right where I was meant to be. I had to call upon my community for the right guidance so that my post wouldn’t be prematurely abandoned. It was time for me to “Man my post” and stop uprooting myself only to keep falling into the same pattern over and over again. Consistently uprooting my efforts to plant them somewhere else.

“And be not conformed to this world: but ye be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” (Romans 12:2)


It’s Fun…


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