Your Portfolio…
One thing that I like to do on the side is invest in stocks. Stocks are fun as I get to support a company I believe in and invest into it. One of the things that I have learned over the years is that investing isn’t just financial, but also requires investing time into researching organizations. This same concept doesn’t just apply to my stock portfolio but also my personal portfolio. Just as in stocks I ensure that I take the time to invest into my personal diversified portfolio. To be honest I do way more daily personal portfolio reviews than my own stock portfolio. But both portfolios are established and maintained the same way. This involves taking action by personally doing my own research to establish a foundation and grow belief in what I stand for. I am not just going to stand for or support anything without first investing my personal time to learn and grow.
“The plans of the diligent lead to profit as surely as haste leads to poverty” (Proverbs 21:5)
One of my stocks in my personal portfolio is Preparation. Preparation is an action and with this action I will be ready to perform whatever It is I am made to do. It can cover just about every area of my life and preparation had me ready for one of my friend’s crazy spontaneous adventures. I was prepared to witness my friend conquer her It…
I have a few crazy friends in my life, and its nothing negative at all. Actually, they just have fun crazy ideas and act them out, and I like a little crazy, so I tag along. This one friend LJ, she has been in my life for some years now and we have both gone through bad and good crazy together, both personal and professional. We have a crazy bond that has grown over the years, because of that we now take built up bad crazy and find a way to release it through some good fun crazy stuff. Yesterday was one of those crazy days.
LJ lives a life with fitness built into it and she had to go for a 5-mile walk over the weekend, but like I said she is one of my “crazy” friends. A few days before her “walk”, we were talking and like typical LJ out of nowhere ask if I was up to going hiking over the weekend? She went on to explain she had to walk 5 miles, but that is too boring and wanted to at least make a workout out of it. I didn’t think much of it and said yes. Now, I am working on maintaining the right character, and one aspect is being a man of my word. LJ goes on to explain she wants to hike Bridge to Nowhere. Bridge to Nowhere is located in the Angeles National Forest, and definitely a place to visit (I’m not being paid to say that, really visit if you can). She goes on to explain that the hike is 10 miles round trip. I agree to this hike.
Well, we completed the hike: 5hr hike, 10.44 miles, hiked up 1,139 ft to the elevation of 2,808 ft, with a 28:48min avg. pace. Me and “Crazy” LJ did It and It was an amazing experience having to cross through the river several times, walking on the edge of the mountain. LJ had two direct contacts with snakes, like touching her boot contact.
Like LJ I also live a life with fitness built into it. As crazy as the hike was, she knew I was prepared for the journey. I might not have been prepared for the elements like LJ was, but she knew I could handle the journey. My diligent fitness plan created the correct value LJ needed to trust me in helping her reach her goal. She knew she would feel good by completing the 5-mile walk, but that is bare minimum. She wanted to double her investment, and because of that mindset she thought big. A walk would bring back what she invested, but a hike would double her investment, double her experience. I was one of the first people she called, because of the value I created. LJ needed someone with the correct Fitness Value in their stock she can work with. Because of LJ’s diligent plan she doubled her profit plus a bonus for being diligent; 10 mile hike not walk, followed by not one but two bungee jumps off the Bridge To Nowhere.
LJ doubled her profit and received a nice bonus, actually a huge bonus at the end. As crazy as LJ is she was afraid of heights. Now she walks away with not just a thought of conquering her fear of heights but an actual event to provide proof that she can conquer It, has conquered It, and now LJ can move on to conquer the next IT.