The negative isn’t the only focus out there. There is learning in success and in order to remain in your sucess learning can’t take a back seat. You don’t just learn during the rough patches as you must also learn in the good times. In all we should be learning all the time, but whatever perspective you take while learning is a choice left up to you.
I’m sure I am not the only one but whenever I go get my haircut, I get a happy feeling. It’s like a fresh new start and until that haircut comes my week hasn’t started yet. So, yea most of my weeks start on the weekend, and yes, I just got my haircut, and I am happy, which is how I feel every day. Today was different I was taught a lesson even though no rough patch was in sight.
A relationship between a barber and their client if built on good foundation, could last generations. The relationship I have with my barber is one of those good foundation relationships. He doesn’t sugar coat a thing and has several times corrected me when I was in the wrong but also calls out of the blue just to say hello. For the past few years, I was going through a rough patch, one that I created myself. He has been the one right there with me side by side through it all, but he was also there at the beginning when life for me was amazing. I was living an amazing life, but forget to do one important thing, learn. I was having fun; I was enjoying life. My barber was trying to guide me, but all I heard were just letters with no meaning. At that point I figured It out, life was in my hands………Short lived experience full of lifelong lessons………….
My barber still speaking these letters with no meanings in my ear. For if I would have heard his words, I would have learned to understand the meaning of his message. For my barber wasn’t trying to knock me down off my high horse, he was trying to give me words that would help me to stay there. I was so busy enjoying the cool air as I fell off my high horse all my adrenaline focused on My pleasures. By the time all my adrenaline wore off I was on my back staring up at the sky wondering how did I get here? There He was my barber, God’s E.M.T sent to me to patch me back up, not just physically on the outside but also mentally. For he was once in my shoes and knew exactly where I was.
If I would have received his letters and turned them into words with meaning I would have saved my life. That is neither here nor there as it’s the lesson in the current moment that provides the right words with the right meaning at the right time. I started to learn that words don’t just have meaning and just meant to tell a story. These words have meaning with action. My barber for years was trying to have me understand the importance of character. He has seen me change throughout the years as I changed with my life’s circumstances. There wasn’t much consistent character within me. I never learned to remain consistent in any circumstance. When I woke up each day I didn’t know who I was going to be so my choices were all over the place. There was no self management protocol anywhere insight as I was just living free each day. I thought I was in control but I was so wrong.
Fast forward to today and I am learning to learn even when the rough patches fade away. I know thousands of ways to escape but failed to learn The Way to stay free. I have spent so many years in my self created rough patches that I forgot to learn during the times I would escape. For my lack in learning in the good moment could have saved my life. That is neither here nor there as it’s the lesson in the current moment that provides the right words with the right meaning at the right time.