I have taken it to a new level in my workouts at the gym. While at times I feel like throwing in the towel I keep pushing forward, I keep my eyes focused on what is in front of me. As I look at the open gym sign, I decide in my head where to run to? I am no longer running away but running towards the challenges it has for me. So, where to run…

My workouts have been really extreme as of lately. The extreme where I am sweating through everything and while I do enjoy the exercise it can be tiring. See, over the past couple of years I have also been focusing on my mental workouts. Building up that mental strength, that mental belief. I have turned the tv off more and reading more books, listening to more audio books. I have been making adjustments so that my mental physique matches my physical physique. At one point I was more worried about what I put into my gut than what I put into my mind and heart, and that needed to change. I needed balance, not worry. I was really taking my mental workouts to the extreme. So, where to run…

As the mental workouts intensified so did my endurance. I was no longer craving certain mental stimulation in fact; many things were fading, and it was wonderful. My mental endurance was going beyond any where it has ever been before. We have experienced hints of deliverance and freedom, but now we are experiencing moments. Mental roadblocks that have been in the way are starting to fade. As my endurance began to increase, I began to increase the workouts. The mental workouts were already extreme why not keep them extreme and keep going forward. I don’t want anything to hold me back and keep me from moving forward. So, where to run…

As I ran from one extreme to another I began to fall in love with the extremes and not the process. I was beginning to focus more on what extreme exercise can I mentally endure and conquer. I was mentally lost from the actual process that brought the right mental strength. I was focused on how many mental roadblocks I could handle in the moment and not be phased by them. I was so focused on the daily conquering of my mental roadblocks that I never saw the true exercise. The extreme experience was taking away from the extreme life lesson. My workouts were extreme to remove the roadblocks so that I can go back to the life God intended for me to live. A life with God’s peace. So, where to run…

I had to run back to the extreme workouts and re-do them, now that I have a better understanding. While the extreme mental workouts are great the lesson is better. While I sweat to the point of passing out, I know this will lead to a better mental physique. One where roadblocks aren’t fading but disappearing from existence.


Self, Selfless…


Bold Confidence…