Self, Selfless…
Over the past couple of weeks I have had this little thought playing in the background, self or selfless. See, there is this area in my life that is a focus, and it is around management specifically self-management. Self-management to me is managing the resources I have been given. Whatever talents and gifts My God has already blessed me with, I am responsible for managing them the right way and not abusing them. Self-management also goes along with obedience as I am to be obedient and manage resources how they were already intended to be, not how I intend to use them.
I believe this is why self or selfless was playing in the background for those couple of weeks. Thinking about self-management is great and all but for me too much of the focus was on me. I understand that I am responsible for those resources God has blessed me with. But are those resources for me to use so that I look good or am I responsible for them so that when We need them the resources are immediately available? Maybe with resources I have to be a selfless manager being more concerned about others needs or wants than my own. While there is nothing wrong with self-management, for me I knew that I saw glimpses of “I” getting in the way and I wasn’t ok with that. Was the glory for me, so that others can be impressed with me or the glory for my God, my Abba?
If God blessed me with resources, He already trusted me with them. He already knew that I had in me to manage His resources the right way, because He already gave me the ability. Maybe it was time then to selfless manage His resources. Being more focused on others wants and needs than my own. While I know it is not wrong to self-manage the life I have been blessed with, I also know a selfless life is a blessing.