Too Much…
The past couple of years have been life changing for me. I can’t say that I have enjoyed every second of It. I will say I know it was the right things that needed to happen in the right moments and for that I am and will always be thankful. One of the reasons I was and still am thankful for what was happening to me on the inside was that I started to look for opportunities in a “crisis”. See, what started some two years ago has affected every living thing on this beautiful planet we call earth. The Vid came and didn’t leave it made a historic shift in the world’s trajectory forward. There was one of two ways to absorb what was happening to us, and that it was either a “crisis” or an “opportunity”.
I can’t speak for anyone else as I don’t know someone’s mind/heart, but for me it started out as a crisis, a major crisis. I have written in the past about how I lost everything, but I lost everything even after I already lost everything. I was forced to only look at the crisis one way, death. Death at moments was the only escape from “my reality”. For me I also knew that was the easy way out. I had to fight. I decided to look for the opportunity in the crisis. I decided moving forward I was going to look for the opportunities in whatever crisis. I am not focusing on the bad story but listening for where the opportunity can be. I know I can’t fix everything as I know my plans are guided by God, but still an effective way to retrain my brain. Retrain my brain to look for opportunities and not be so focused on the negative.
As I started to do this my zeal began to build, It became too much. I was building up all this energy and excitement focusing on the good in every situation. I was this walking beam of positivity, and it was wonderful. I felt great. My journey has benefited from this new way of thinking. This zeal of being focused on the opportunities and not the crisis has led me to put my life in order and right standing. It is a wonderful energy when used effectively. Using my zeal to be more busy than effective was a slippery slope I was playing with. I thought I was being effective, but I needed to stop and check my output. I had to be honest. Were all my actions right?
It is not that I am focusing on my mistakes as I am just making myself aware that at times it calls for silence. All my zeal, all my energy being focused on doing right things and seeing the positive in the negative can be blinding. Imagine being on a rollercoaster going up, down, upside down, right side up, and then someone asking you to paint the landscape you saw as you were on the ride. It would be hard because in all the excitement it would be difficult to focus. Sometimes we can have so much energy we lose focus and miss out on the beauty right in front of us. Maybe there is someone right in your own community that needs your zeal to help them see their own opportunity in their crisis.