A Journey…
The process must be journeyed.
Many of the things I have come in contact with has gone through some process. No matter what comes to my mind it has gone through a process: a person, place, or thing. They all have gone through some process in order for me to see with my own two eyes what I am seeing. But there is another aspect I have heard but few actually practice what is being said. As social media grows with our current times, events no matter personal or public are easily recordable and viewable by all. So, as we see others become successful, we also are able to see some of the process or daily actions being taken to produce their wonderful final product. We might not see what it all takes to produce It all, but more now than ever we get glimpses of what it takes. Enough to know that a process must take place in order to get the right final product. But few are actually practicing what is being said/viewed.
Everything that I have known goes through some process. There is a beginning, middle, and end. In any form of life there is a process or maturing that needs to be completed before the next steps can be taken the right way. Somewhere along the way I realized I was attempting to go through the process, but I didn’t want to journey the process. I wanted to get on a private jet and fly straight to my final destination. Actually, I chartered a flight, took first class, because I was on my way to the top. I got there and it was an amazing, the best 2 seconds of my life, but quickly realized I had to head back home and journey the process.
As I began to get life in order and do the right things this burst of adrenaline just propelled me straight to the top. See, I forgot to let it drain out first before I took my first step. I had good intentions, but I realized I needed right intentions When the adrenaline ran its course, I realized that I needed to go back to the beginning and journey this process. There were steps that needed to be taken because I am being asked questions and I have no answer. The process is designed to be journeyed so that we can answer any questions, go through any roadblocks that come along the way. I realized that this process was the maturing of my heart and mind.
I went through a physical maturation as my outer appearance went from child, young man, to man. But not once did I allow my heart and mind to go through the process. Many times, along the way I was setting up my own roadblocks that were impossible to get through. I couldn’t overpower myself. While I enjoyed those wonderful 2 seconds, I knew that if I wanted to continue to enjoy this amazing feeling for the rest of my life I had to go through the process. It was time for my heart and mind to catch up to the physical maturation as seen on the outside. It was time to humble myself and not start over or new but rebuild my heart and mind with a solid foundation of love and faithfulness. For I know that if I start there and build up I will and am on the right path.
“Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man.” (Proverbs 3:3-4)