To Limit or Not To Limit?

Have faith in yourself, believe, don’t give up, keep going forward, remain focused. All of this goes through my head over and over again while I am looking at the next Big Shiny Thing. We are consistently bombarded by the next Big Shiny Thing that can take you to the next level in your personal and/or career life. I’m from a major city have visited some other major cities and I’ve lived in a small town and still experienced the Big Shiny Thing. For me I realized that there was no escape from seeing and hearing all the Big Shiny Things until my perspective changed. I knew I needed to change my perspective, but I still had questions. The main question I had was “God is this the direction I should be going in?” I don’t know how many times I asked myself that question as I looked up at a billboard or looked down at my phone. Until I believed in my own journey, I was living a limited life. I was limiting my journey, being easily distracted, because I didn’t fully believe in my journey. I didn’t believe in my journey because I didn’t know where I was going. Until I figured out my purpose it was meaningless, a limited life. Without any meaning and limits I was distracted by all the Big Shiny Things because I was searching for something. I didn’t know what that something was, but with my eyes I saw others living a meaningful life, a limitless life, a life that I wanted for myself. Was I to just keep my eyes only fixed straight ahead, was it ok to look up and down and all around?

Until my perspective changed the situation was going to be full of questions with no answers. Until I believed in my journey life was to remain meaningless and limited. I knew that I had to believe, I knew there was meaning, I knew there were no limits. Until I took action and believed my life was to remain the same, my perspective needed to change. I started to believe that life is meaningful and there were no limits set except the limits I have placed on myself. My purpose is to live the life God intended for us to live and use my talents to show His glory. Life now has a meaning, and my talent was writing, and it was time to show His glory through my writing. But still there was a question. Was writing my only talent or was my perspective still off?

I had a great conversation with a good friend, and he helped with my perspective on my question to myself. If writing was my only talent that glory was shown, then all I could do was write. So, do I believe I can do all things because of the strength He has given me? He went on to say that I was given a talent that I liked to do and that was writing. He was so right, when I am writing there is joy and peace, and everything around me is glorious. I am focused on my writing even though I can hear the plane as it gets ready to land, my phone dings with messages, I can hear conversations all around. I don’t get frustrated as my daughter comes up to me again and again asking question after question. In my writing God’s glory is being shown and I would have it no other way. It was pointed out to me that it’s not the writing that I should only be focused on but my character as I am writing. The character I portray while writing is the character that I should always portray, the character of God. It just happens that I like writing, and I will continue to write, but I won’t only limit God’s glory to just my writing. Life has meaning, life has no limits.

As I look up at the Big Shiny Billboard I admire its work, I look down at the Big Shiny Phone and admire its work. Not longing to have what I see, not being distracted and thrown off course. My daughter has asked me another question, the phone dings again, but no frustration in sight. I can do all things because of the strength he has given me. Life has meaning, life has no limits.


Can Someone Answer Me?


Thought this was conquered…