Thought this was conquered…

Perspective of a situation. I thought I had this one thing conquered, and I strutted around like the Big Man on campus. Well, yea Big Man got a little humble thump down off the high horse. Outside of writing I work in healthcare, specifically in business development. I have been in healthcare for a little over a decade and for the division that I work in I have to work closely with my clinical team. If you don’t know but sometimes when business development/sales people have to rely very heavily on their clinical team for help frustration might arise. For me I was in the frustration part of this relationship. When I am working on something and need answers answered so I can move forward in a process I want the answer now. But over the past couple of months, I was working on myself to correct that thought process so my actions would be more appropriate.

For two solid months me and the clinical team were starting to click. I was thinking to myself this whole time, finally we are starting to get on the same page. Everyday telling myself, No frustration today. It was going so well; I mean not every day was perfect, but progress was being made. Even other people in my department were taking notice. In my mind this thing was conquered, this frustration between business development (or maybe it was just me) and the clinical team was squashed. But today was different, something was a little off. The morning started off great, but towards the end of the day it started to get a little tense. The frustration within me came out and came out full force. Here we go again. I needed an answer like an hour ago but here we are waiting. Then, my partner looked at me and said relax everything is ok, stop getting so frustrated. It made me realize that the situation wasn’t conquered at all, but what happened? I, that is what happened to the situation. I allowed the trigger of frustration to take control of my thoughts and actions.

As I was getting home, I began to think to myself. Am I after conquering just frustration or I am working towards keeping my thoughts from being controlled by the wrong things? In all truth why am I trying to conquer something that only has power when I give it power? When I was triggered by the situation with my clinical team, I had a choice. I could either operate out of understanding or frustration. Whichever one I gave power had the right and authority to operate. I have realized that I have to keep a mind of consistently working towards the right things. At one point I thought I worked hard to conquer frustration, and the first sign of success I leaped on my high horse and marched around. Once my thoughts threw in the towel so did my actions. So, if I would have kept the mindset of consistency, I wouldn’t just conquer frustration, but I would defeat it. With the right mindset, wrong thoughts aren’t given life and power.


To Limit or Not To Limit?

