
The fruit seed is able to produce fruit once it dies. In order to unleash the life already in the seed it must first die. Without the seed dying it wouldn’t be able to expose all of its glory.

When someone decides they want to plant a tree one of the first things they need to do is go buy some dried seeds to plant. For the longest time that just never made any sense to me. Why would I go buy some dried up dead apple seeds, when I can eat an apple and replant the seeds in it? To me that made sense, but now I know I had no idea. A dried seed is a mature seed that is ready to serve its purpose, unleash the life that was already in it. In order for a seed to be ready for planting the protective coating around the seed needs to start the process of drying and curing. This allows the protective coating to mature. The maturing stage is vital because without this process the protective coating will never allow water to enter into the seed.

We are no different than the seed and the process it has to go through in order to reach a level to unleash the life already in it. The biggest difference is that we were given the power of choice. If we have choice, then why are some of us in situations that are not right for us? Maybe because the process of dying to yourself seems too uncomfortable? I can’t speak for anyone except me, and I would have to say yes to that question. At one point I didn’t feel like becoming uncomfortable even though my situation wasn’t right for me. I got to a point where I was just tired and began the process of dying to myself. It was time for this protective coating I placed over myself to dry, cure, and allow the right things to penetrate me. For so long my protective coating the boss I placed over myself was keeping the right things away from me. I made the choice to die to myself every day and say yes to God’s plan, the purpose designed for me. I allowed the old outer protection, myself, start the process of maturity.

There is all this glory in all of us, and it is ready to be unleashed. Some of us have found it and show it every day, others are starting to discover it, and some are still not ready. No matter where you are we must remember we were all given the power to choose, and every day we have a choice to make.


Thought this was conquered…


Why write it down?