Stillness In Strength…

I was learning to gain my strength in my stillness. There are moments where things are out of our control. In those moments I had to know it was ok to let go. For if I managed my life correctly then why worry in moments of worry? If there is no lack of disbelief, then what is it? Time to just be still. Maybe in my stillness the worry will leave?

As I go throughout my day, I encounter moments where I want to go into action and get things done but find myself stuck in position. I want to move forward with the project, because all the pieces are aligned just right, and this is the time to act. Still, I find myself with my hands tied behind my back trying to work. Trying to get my last little touch in, but as I move along life, I realize there is a stillness in strength. I have never experienced that before until now.

There was this stillness that came along as I moved forward in the right direction. The worry began to fade as my shoulders dropped back into their proper place. Deep inhale, exhale, deep inhale, exhale, deep inhale, exhale. As I began to realize that I was coming to a point where I can no longer be effective, I have done what was needed and asked of me, I have to let go. That stillness, that confidence in the strength of my work was building.

Thanking the Lord in my work and when I am done is the stillness in my strength. As I work using my mental and physical strength, Thanking the Lord brings that stillness. As the adrenaline rushes through my body, I have to stop and Thank the Lord, bringing me back to my stillness. Allowing me to use my mental and physical strength exactly how it was intended to be used

Many times in life I allowed the smallest worry to creep in bringing me to a complete halt. Worrying about a circumstance that may or may not happen, and instead of addressing the concern I stopped. I would stop moving forward losing my mental and physical momentum. Most of the time if I would have found that stillness in my strength, my mental and physical momentum would have propelled me in the right direction. This isn’t a time to beat myself up. Thank you Lord. That stillness, that confidence in the strength of my work is building.


Fine Details…


Maximizing Potential…