Bringing clarity to an overwhelmed mind in business and in life…

I keep practicing saying yes to those things that are presented to me that align with what God has already placed in me to serve. But I am coming to realize that it’s still up to His timing when he wants It to be released. I am not perfect and I have in times dragged my feet on projects putting them off for a few days, weeks, or months. But there are some things that present itself in your mind so fast that we don’t have time to decide only to react based on our own self reaction. I had one of those moments, 10/21/21, in which I had a spur of the moment idea. I ran with that idea and once it was done for that time it sat saved in a folder until released 7/23/23.

Yes, from 10/21/21 until 7/23/23 is 1 yr 9 months 2 days, or 640 days. I did the calculation because I just had to know and to save you the headache of looking it up, You’re Welcome LOL. Yes for 640 days I sat on this spur of the moment project that I was for sure in that time of ‘21was ready for the world to see. When the idea came to my mind, I was ready and began working, because I didn’t want to even acknowledge any self-doubt. For a good solid week in 2021, I was working on a slide presentation that involved my first book, It’s About Time I Get to Know Me:. For that whole week I worked and worked on this slide presentation during any free hours I had. In my head I was getting ready for a speaking engagement at any minute. I remember having the feeling during that time that I was going to be making a presentation.

After I was done and completed the final draft of the slide presentation on 10/21/21 I never knew that would be the last time It was opened or revised. That is until He said It was finally ready to be presented. Just a few weekends ago I was getting ready to lay down for the night and I got a text from my old neighbor who is a youth pastor. He texted me if I was available to speak to their youth/young adults group on 7/23/23, which was a week away. As much as I wanted to hesitate I couldn’t and just typed Yes. Some opportunities come in a spur of the moment that we can only rely on our own self reaction. I had to say yes to this layup of an opportunity. I haven’t spoke to a group in this setting at a church before and it was the first time I get to present on Stop N’ Smell the Poop, and the story of my life. In the moment all I wanted to feel was excitement, but I could think was what am I going to speak on.

One more I was speaking to my dad, and I was telling him about this great opportunity, and I really need his prayers as I prepare for the speaking engagement and for God to guide my thoughts. Well, after a couple of days of praying and doing some writing I was still a little fuzzy on the message. That was until I said Yes, and I was reminded that I did the slide presentation some time ago and maybe there is something there. After looking through my computer for a sometime I finally found the slide presentation and it was labeled, StopNSmell 10-21-21. I opened it and I realized it was the perfect start for the speaking engagement. As I went from slide to slide, I came to realize that because of my obedience in ‘21 I was able to work without frustration almost 2 years later. I knew in ‘21 I was going to make a presentation and decided to begin working on what I visioned. I just didn’t realize that it would be almost 2 years before God said its time to release your work.

In all this life of mine it’s still about His timing, because His timing is our perfect timing to glorify Him through our work. While this is and will be the start of many more speaking engagements, the opportunity to share God’s words while my daughter is attending my first speaking engagement was worth the 640 day wait.

“Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and His Righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” (Matthew 6:33)


Life of Transactions…


IDK (I Don’t Know)…