IDK (I Don’t Know)…
Brining clarity to an overwhelmed mind in business and in life…
One of the phrases I have been using the most lately in my life is I Don’t Know, because for me I really don’t know. I know what I need to be doing and have asked My God, My Yah for understanding, knowledge, and wisdom. But there are still moments in life where I throw my hands up and can happily admit I Don’t Know. Things happen to us in life and in business that if we allow the circumstances to consume us they will have us just sitting, thinking and pondering, But Why? Why do certain circumstances happen to us? Why do we have this outcome instead of this outcome? As I have embraced and embarked on this wonderful journey of life with Christ and our Holy Spirit guiding me I have learned that not everything is meant for us to know. Maybe the very thing we seek for will be revealed in the next few hours, days, weeks, months, years, I really don’t know. But one thing that I have come to realize is that no matter what its all for His glory.
Life and business has its ups and downs and we have all read about it, talked about, and experienced the wonderful rollercoaster ride of life. For the longest time and even in one of my earlier blogs I wrote about stopping this ride because I was ready to get off. But just as I said earlier I Don’t Know, but I believe I will have to go against what I use to think and believe. The wonder of not knowing is actually what has kept me going and keeping me going on this wonderful coaster ride of life. I have learned to embrace the ups and downs, and lean into the sharp curves instead of being tossed around like a rag doll. Not knowing has allowed me to keep hanging on to His word, it has allowed me to keep hanging on to this wonderful blessed life. No one is exempt from the unknown, but we can hang on to what our Abba says and know that even if we don’t know now, its ok.
The unknown is not what we should be focused on but what our Abba in Heaven has spoken through His son Yeshua Hamashiach (Jesus the Messiah). It is written in John 16:33 “…In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” In John 17:15 Yeshua prays to our Abba (Father) “I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil.” It is spoken to us that we will face tribulation, the unknown, and it has been prayed for us to not be taken from this world but kept from evil. Those verses are evidence that we will face troubles and that we shouldn’t want to leave or get off the rollercoaster ride of life, but turn to our Yah to help keep us from evil. No matter what is going on in both your life and your business life we have to understand that we might not know it all, but through Him we will overcome because He has already overcome the world and evil. While I might not know, and you might not know, we do know that our Yah whom we have placed over both our lives and business life has already overcame whatever we are facing. Why not face it all happily as His Word says, because no matter what it’s all for His Glory.
I have gone through happiness, hurt, pain, blood, tears, sweat, and while I might not know it all, I do know that His Word says to be of good cheer. Maybe it doesn’t make sense and maybe that is the point in life. We can’t do this life alone without our Abba in Heaven because no matter the circumstance right or wrong we still might not know it all. But the one thing we all can hang onto is that its all for His Glory in Heaven.