Either you rock your boat or someone/something else does…

One of the greatest things I have just now come to realize is that God doesn’t always intervene in our choices as one might think. We have the power of choice but through God’s authority he doesn’t intervene accept sometimes to be that small still voice giving us the play by play of what exact moves to make to win the game. But not win the game with a 4th quarter hail mary miracle pass but now in this moment. The thing is that it might come with a price, you might have to rock the boat a little bit. Well, it’s either one makes the choice to shake things up a little or allow someone else to jump on board and start rocking your boat. No matter what, the boat is going to get rocked, right…

Lately I have been going through these wonderful “Honest Moments” with myself, and they really are needed. I needed to address repeated self-inflicted wounds that in the end were a waste of mental time. I wasted so much mental time on things that would never come true. I would literally be stuck in thought for hours and sometimes days. Just replaying the same play over and over again. I thought to myself one day at some point I have to stop this cycle. I am tired of this repeated mental battle I put myself through. Either I take action, or someone/something else does. If I don’t rock this boat and get out of this mental funk, this mental funk is going to have all access to me. No matter what, the boat is going to get rocked, right…

I knew this, I know this, trust me I knew/know. But knowing and doing are not the same thing. I knew all it took was for me to make the right choice, not the good choice, but the right choice. See, that is where it gets tricky because I knew the right choices to make but I wasn’t ready to rock the boat yet. I was comfortable because I wasn’t rocking the boat, someone/something else was and all I could do was hold on. Why put up a fight when it was hard to see a way out? These mental battles weren’t getting the best of me, but they were inflicting pain and it was time for me to rock the boat for once. It was time for me to stand for who God created me to be and plant my roots in His foundation. So that as the boat is getting rocked back and forth it is being done with a smile on my face. I would rather choose to smile my way through the storm grounded in who God created me to be. No matter what, the boat was going to get rocked, right?


Instant Gratification…


No, I Won’t…