Not Just Any Step…
Bringing clarity and vision to an overwhelmed mind in business and in life…
Not just any step but the right step even if its uncomfortable…
There are many steps and many paths that can be taken at this moment. At times I felt as I just needed to move and take a step anywhere I could. For the most part I did just that, taking a step here and taking a step there. In my mind a step forward was a step forward. I needed to see and feel movement and I would satisfy that pleasure and take a step here and a step there. As the years have come and gone and I reflect on the many steps I have taken I have to thank My Yah for every step. I am coming to the realization that any step can take you anywhere. But the right step over and over again will eventually get you to the right place. I was impatient, but maybe the impatience is what was needed at that time?
At this point all I can do is Thank Yah for my impatience because it has brought me to a better understanding. I have made many steps along this journey and not all of them have been the right step. But I do Thank Him because at some point it all leads me back to the right spot, His presence. In the past I was set out to accomplish everything that comes across my path and while it sounds good it doesn’t mean it was always right. I wanted to take the necessary steps so that His will is done and not my own. But it was hard to honestly say every step was according to His Will. I just wanted to take a step and get things moving. I wanted to see and feel progress, but many times I felt exhaustion.
My Yah’s Will is an easy yoke to burden but my attempts to move according to My Will “my pleasures” wore me out. I wanted to take any step to feel like things were moving. I will say for the most part everything was moving. Sometimes it was moving a couple steps forward or moving a couple steps back, but no matter what there was movement. But at the end of the day it’s not about the movement but the accomplishment of Yah’s Will according to Him. There is still so much that I want to accomplish. There is still so much that We want accomplished. But if its according to my will its exhaustion. Not just any step but a step according to His Will. I no longer wanted to take just any step but the right step according to His Will. His Will isn’t always comfortable, but I know it’s Right.
How could it be His Will if I was too exhausted and focused on gaining my own strength back so I can take that next step? Not just any step but a step according to His Will. While my will has me feeling exhausted and worn out…His Will recharges me allowing me to take steps I never knew was possible until I put my will under His Will…
“Not everyone who says to me, “Yahuah, Yahuah,’ will enter the Kingdom of Heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Abba who is in heaven.” (Matthew 7:21, NIV)