Bringing clarity and vision to an overwhelmed mind in business and in life…

I couldn’t explain It, but I knew I never wanted to let go.

Consulting, sales, business development, marketing, Administrator, and everything else in between has been a part of my career work for the past decade+ specifically in the Healthcare Industry, so far. While I am currently enjoying and learning how to be more appreciative of this journey, I can say it never internally started off with that mindset of enjoyment and appreciation. I placed some self-imposed chains that sucked the fun from my business life and life. Instead of enjoying and appreciating moments I would drag my feet with my head down. But as the years have come and gone, I am realizing that no matter the moment I can still be appreciative and enjoy the moment. But for me I knew if a change was to come it starts with enjoying and appreciating all moments internally. I had a mindset of self-pity at that time instead of a learning mindset.

But, I finally hit a point where I knew I had to internally change the mindset back to a learning mindset. I didn’t want to hold on to these self-imposed chains I have placed upon me. I no longer wanting to do the work, I was no longer wanting to put in the time and effort it took to keep It all going. Something internally was going on and I was just losing complete interest of these self-imposed chains. I couldn’t explain it at the time, but there was something else I knew I never wanted to let go of again. I was chasing numbers when I should have been learning. I wanted to hit the monthly and quarterly numbers and help with being financially profitable so I could internally feel good. But as the chase would go on from month to month less questions were being asked, and some calculated risks were now becoming a threat and no longer a thought. I hit a point where I knew I had to let go of the self-imposed chains. I was no longer fun to be around in “certain moments”. But the thing is that those “certain moments” happened like clockwork.

The monthly and quarterly numbers are looked at a specific time each month and quarter and there was no changing that. The pressure to perform was always going to be there and there was no changing that. But wanting to no longer hold on to my self-imposed chains I knew could be changed, so that I could once again learn to be curious again and ask questions. It wasn’t the pressure of bringing in new business nor was it the pressure to perform. I was just trying to do it All on my own in my head. Instead of reaching out to ask questions and become curious I was keeping it all in.

“Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed.” (Proverbs 15:22, NIV)


Anticipating Patience…


Not Just Any Step…