Lost or Caught Up…

For years I was lost and caught up all at the same time. The consistency I was told to remain in was not really getting through to me at all. I could be busy in one thing getting lost in my work, while I would be effective in another area remaining caught up. It sounds like a lot but don’t many of our lives play out that way? We are busy and lost in one area never really knowing where to go or turn. While in another area we are effective as all of the glory God put inside of us flourishes and brings us favor with people.

I was talking with a good friend of mine the other day and this conversation came about of being lost or caught up in what we are doing. During the conversation I was brought back to after I graduated college and went on this pursuit of riches, glory, joy, and peace. I was so ready to get this life of mine started I was too busy to first think of a plan. I was excited being able to create the life that I wanted. I have to brag on the men in my family that helped guide me, especially my dad. They are hard working men and that was something that I knew at an early age and that was something I was definitely taking with me into life. I did and I was very busy.

I had moments of effectiveness but for the most part my thoughts and actions were like a busy bee flying around from flower to flower. I was out there in the world testing the waters seeing what fit and what didn’t. The only consistency I was building in my mind was one focused on being busy. But it gave me a sense of worth because if I was busy doing something then I’m looking effective. I look like I know what I am doing, where I am going, and how I am going to get there. I didn’t see the harm in that mindset at all especially entering the world just trying to figure out life. It is like a child growing up and trying to figure out life as well. As we go to new stages of life, we might find ourselves needing to find our footing, but doesn’t mean we remain in that mindset. The mindset of busy.

I became so busy in life I began to lose life. I was so busy trying to find my footing in this new stage of my life I was walking past every opportunity that came my way. There were moments that I was effective and grabbed a hold of the right things, but the consistency of being busy would kick in. My head would go back down as I focused back on my footing looking for stable ground. I was too busy to realize that the right things I grabbed onto were slipping through my fingers, but how could I notice when My mind was on its path. I look like I know what I am doing, where I am going, and how I am going to get there.

There was a moment in my busyness I looked up at the right time and grabbed a hold of something that was right. But as I went to add it to my collection nothing was there. I was lost. How did I lose it all? Where did everything go? Family gone, house gone, dogs gone, car gone, life gone. The life I was creating vanished faster than it took to create it. I was so focused on being busy I worked hard to lose everything that came my way instead of working hard to keep what was right in my life. But I am lost where did it all go wrong. I became so lost in my work I lost my life.

It all caught me off guard as life caught up with me. I was so lost in busyness I never gave myself time to stay caught up.

Being caught up in life isn’t some mysterious thing that will happen as it is a normal function for us. Don’t we feel that peace and joy when the bills stay caught up, or when you catch your child right before they run into the street? When you are both focused on the right things and acting out the right things you never become lost. How can one be lost if they are caught up in what they prepared for?

It’s like going on a hiking trip. During your preparation you look at the map and plan the journey accordingly. You look at it following the trail looking at the different terrain ensuring that you have everything you need. You begin to get caught up in the act of packing everything that is right for the hike, and then it leads you to become creative, to think. The weather says it will be sunny but different elevations bring different elements, so you pack accordingly, just in case. As you begin the hike you once again become caught up as you are able to enjoy the journey, the hike. There are no worries in sight. I know what I am doing, where I am going, and how I am going to get there.




Standing In The Gap…