Poor isn’t just financial as it can involve every area of someone’s life. We can be poor in health, finances, literacy, character, anywhere there is lack. But we are so focused on money we miss all the lack around us. How can we cry out to God every time in our own need when we can’t simply be thankful? Instead, we are never satisfied, never pleased, always wanting more. From around ages 0-7 children are soaking up everything. They are enjoying every millisecond of their life. They lack for nothing. Only seeking things which their body needs: food, rest, and love. They are grateful for everything especially during those crucial first years. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard my daughter scream “THIS IS THE BEST DAY EVER”. When is the last time you screamed that?
A child lacks for nothing and just for being so darn cute is showered with gifts, love, and praise. Just for being a child. One of a few thing parents want for their children is to just be is grateful. Say thank you. But at some point we are no longer satisfied with our needs being met. We are thankful but it’s just not enough, and I want more out of life. At some point we begin to realize a few things. One is that if we want more than we need we can demand it, and get it at whatever cost. Doesn’t a child start to cry for more? Don’t teenagers and adults cry for more? At all three stages we want more candy, we want to be out more (free), we want more money. But all being told the same thing at the same time; if you want more first follow my rules to gain more of whatever it is you want in life. We then go on this quest of wanting, asking, demanding more. Never once just being thankful.
We won’t stop until we get what we want. More. We have been conditioned to wanting to seek for more. There is nothing wrong with that as we should want to seek more and allow our God given abilities and talents to shine in all its glory. But have we forgot the process of children? Shouldn’t our minds remain as when we entered into this world, Thankful for life? That should be the foundation of our mind one that is built on top of thanks. Be thankful for life and begin to build upwards with thanks every step of the way. Become thankful for the abilities to be able to discover more.