Bringing clarity and vision to an overwhelmed mind in business and in life…

Anticipating the patience needed as paper ideas turn into reality…

Growing your business…growing your clientele…growing your own food…Anticipating the patience needed in life as we move from paper to reality takes anticipating patience. I have read countless books just like any other person does. I engage in conversations with others that have amazing gifts. Time and time again I would read or hear the word patience, and I understood it from many viewpoints. But until I put it into practice there wasn’t much respect for the act of patience. I desired many things in my heart and mind. Some have been written on paper and some ideas are still floating around in my brain. But as I began to work some of these ideas out from paper to reality the patience needed was never enough. I would make great initial gains toward the goal but lacked the ability to stay consistent. I didn’t have enough patience to endure the mundane everyday activity. Sometimes the basics of Wake up, Thank Yahuah for another day, water, exercise, shower, and etc. would need some assistance from time to time. The patience needed to see the amazing compound work from the everyday right mundane activity wasn’t there. In the past I would help and assist the Change that is already consistently around Us. I would begin to allow my mind to drift off course and once my heart and mind weren’t working together things would fall to the back.

Reading and hearing Patience and being curious enough to want to get a better understanding of the word. But I wasn’t curious enough to apply it and allow everything that needs to work together to also grow together. The heart and mind worked together but that didn’t mean they were growing together. Deep in my heart I knew it took patience to allow things to grow no matter how big or small the idea. But when I started seeing small little goals being accomplished I would get excited. Sometimes I wanted to help Change by changing a few things to assist getting to the end just a little bit faster. The problem was that it only worked like that for the small goals that helped build some small self-discipline. My mind was racing while my heart was trying to be still, but it couldn’t keep up. I was literally wearing myself out to the point that I was neglecting both business and personal relationships. My mind was present, but my heart was exhausted. My heart was so busy trying to keep up with my racing mind even though deep in my heart I knew I lacked patience. I put so much mental thought into the work that the work was in everything that I did. My mind felt as if it had to assist in all areas of growth. I wanted to begin working some of these bigger goals off the paper into reality, but the patience needed has to be anticipated.

I was ready to work a bigger goal off of the paper and into reality, and I realized I needed some guidance. The patience I needed to help endure had to be anticipated. But I can’t write that as if I am some scholar because I just discovered the anticipation. We all have many goals on paper that at some point will be accomplished. I came to the realization there is anticipation needed for the patience required to endure the growth process. I wanted to work out bigger goals and after finally listening I began to anticipate the patience needed. No matter if the goal is big or small some form of patience is needed to allow everything that is working together to also grow together. I was ready for growth but first needed to anticipate the patience needed. I might be ready to start my business today but that doesn’t mean it’s ready to be out in public today. There is a market for many ideas but how does one target the market to the right audience? That takes some time and patience to endure to the right outcome. Growing a business from consistent monthly net profit of hundreds to a consistent net profit of thousands takes time and patience to endure to the right outcome. Having a 5-minute conversation with my teenage daughter takes time and patience. A 5-minute conversation with my teenage daughter on a good day is around 2 minutes and I have to be ready with both all ears on deck, because she will ask for input. But on an ugh day it can take around an hour to pull out maybe 5 minutes’ worth of a conversation. The patience is there that is needed to endure my teenage daughter fast or extremely slow 5-minute conversations. The patience to endure every step of the way towards every goal is there. Each steps require some level of anticipation. The size of the goal isn’t the focus but anticipating the level of detailed planning required for everything working together to also grow together.

“But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently.” (Romans 8:25, NIV)

Thank you Yahuah…


Inside Job…