Bringing clarity to an overwhelmed mind in business and in life…

Keep exercising in your freedom of the gift that was given to you by God our Yah. We all have those setbacks, those moments of self-doubt, those moments of this so called fear. But is it really fear that we fear or is it the unknown, the uncertainty? Each level is a little frightening at first until we realize we were made exactly for this moment.

The more I communicate with future and current entrepreneurs, intrapreneurs, inspiring business owners there is this one word that comes up, Fear. Just a few days ago I was a part of this amazing career day for the youth of a church and their community, and it was amazing. The amazing aspect of this event was that this concept of fear didn’t come from the children but mainly from the other business owners. At some point they have hit this roadblock in their minds bringing on fear. But maybe the fear is just the result of the deeper aspect of the concern, maybe the fear was the result of uncertainty? When I have entered into moments of uncertainty, I realized that in those moments as I get stuck in my head trying to figure out the next move or turn in life, I begin to plan my way out of this uncertainty. But the harder I try to plan the more I have come to realize that I bring on this fear, this self-doubt, this hesitation that has kept me from moving forward the right way.

The uncertainties of life will always be there no matter if we utilize our talents or not. But when we do begin to exercise our talents it seems as if the whole world and including ourselves are against Us. We come up with this great idea or we go get specific or extra training in a certain area because we know we have found our area of gifting. As we begin to exercise in our talents we begin to experience this initial gratification that keeps us pushing through. Every idea that comes to thought is a hit and we begin to see and experience what we already knew was true, We were made for this. As we begin to continuously exercise our gift(s) we fail to read between the lines, the fine print. While the whole World experiences life of uncertainty it’s easy to come to the conclusion that this is just life. But when we find our talent(s) and freely exercise in It we at times can fail to remember that just because We found our talent(s) we aren’t exempt from the uncertainty. At times and even just recently I was at the quiet questioning stage of why am I still going through this uncertainty, because my vision was off course.

In this World my eye doctor might say that I have 20/20 vision but in this life of uncertainty I needed my coke bottle glasses because in reality I thought I was immune to uncertainty. Once I began to maneuver through life with this wrong concept of life, I couldn’t understand why I was still dealing with self-doubt, with Fear. But it was never the fear at all but the thought that I was immune from having to read the fine print of life. Just because I proclaim my walk with Jesus and do all things for the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness doesn’t mean I was automatically exempt from the uncertainties of life. In fact the moment of began to freely exercise in my talent(s) was the moment I was opening myself up to the test of life. The same test that we all go through, Are You Sure? Its never the self-doubt, or the fear that takes hold of us for those little thoughts only assist in keeping us stagnate. The uncertainty was the catalyst that was the start of everything once the honeymoon phase was over. I have faith in my God given talent(s), I have faith in the One that I place over my life, but Was I Sure?

Was I sure that I was freely operating in what He placed within me for me to serve to this wonderful World? It’s great when new ideas and new concepts come to mind especially when we share it with friends and family, and everyone is on board. But after a while the honeymoon phase ends, and it’s supposed to end. Not to bring on self-doubt or fear, but to pass the test of life the test of uncertainty. It’s easy to be certain about an idea or a thing when everyone has your back and is supporting you. But at some point, that test has to come in order for us to move along to the next level. The test isn’t to scare us away from our talent(s), but to build up our faith in our God given talent(s). Our businesses foundation, our life’s foundation is only as strong as our faith is strong. It’s not the little self-doubt or the little fear that is at the base of our stagnation, but the uncertainty. But in reality, it’s the uncertainty that is needed in order for us to say Yes, I am made for this talent(s) that God has blessed upon my life.


IDK (I Don’t Know)…


The Stand…