
Have you ever spoken with someone that when they speak, they sound crazy? You speak to them one day and by the next day their small crazy idea has expanded further. So, every time you speak to them the craziness has just expanded beyond our thoughts. We love their outlook on the plan and attention to details, and before we know it, we are believers of the craziness. So, does that make us crazy, or we just expanding our thoughts?

I can’t answer who is crazy or not but being logical let’s just say the craziness I am talking about is some crazy new business idea. I have come across people personally and through readings that had crazy ideas, and many people thought they were crazy. Some would be called crazy enough by others they would give up on their idea. Some would be called crazy enough by others they wouldn’t give up on their idea and saw it through. Then, they were no longer called crazy but innovators, thinkers, brilliant minds, experts, risk takers, the list can go on. The “Crazy” were no longer crazy because they never were crazy in the first place. The thought might be out of this world only until you bring it into this world.

Have we not all had some crazy thought that just seemed so out there we thought we were crazy. Or maybe we just experienced something that brought some form of fear upon us thinking the idea was too crazy. Maybe what we heard someone say brought some fear upon us that we started to believe they were crazy. How can we truly know if someone, or something is crazy when we never took the crazy leap to expand our thoughts? Have you ever wondered why you can give two people the same thing and there will be a good chance someone will expand what you gave them, and another do nothing with it? We have read the stories of people winning the lottery and then going broke shortly after that. That shouldn’t be a shock to anyone because not all people are crazy enough to take what they have, stop for a moment and think how can this be expanded? Are we too busy trying not to look crazy to others?

Before a business can even start the conversation of expansion, they first have to take what they have and begin to think how can this be expanded? The expansion of a physical thing first starts with the expansion of the mind. We have these “crazy” ideas because our mind is made to think bigger than what we can physically see. You need to be able to visualize the expansion, draw out the plans for expansion, know who is needed to help with expansion. That is done through thought, then written out on paper so others can see and speak the “crazy” thought into existence. This isn’t just applied to business, but it can be applied to your life.

We were made with these out of the world visions and dreams, and it is only perceived that way until we stop relying on physical sight. Open your eyes and see beyond what you can physically see. The thought might be out of this world until you bring it into this world.


Life is that simple.


Am I Enough…