Am I Enough…
Have you ever had a moment or moments where your mind takes you to a place where you feel useless? You know you can but for some reason you are questioning yourself. Am I enough? Can I really do this, I know I saw myself doing this in thought, but in reality am I enough? These thoughts and questions were coming to mind while I was talking with a really good friend of mine.
The discussion started off with my friend saying he asked himself if he is meant to do what he is doing. It was interesting because I was in the same thought process, but I never talked with anyone about it until now. As we were talking, we realized that by us both even questioning ourselves we were bringing on self-doubt. We both realized that we both were getting in the way thinking that we weren’t enough. We became selfish to Our plans putting worry and stress on ourselves. The issue and reason we were questioning ourselves in the first place because things weren’t lining up according to Our plans. It was a very dangerous game we were playing.
It was a very dangerous game we were playing, and we didn’t come to this realization until we both were open with each other. That act allowed us both to be open with ourselves and have an honest conversation. How can we ask if we are enough or meant to be doing (this) if we keep getting in the way of His plans? “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11, NIV). We both know the plans He has for us, but we also realized that we still have moments when we get in the way. Instead of enjoying life in peace and joy we applied pressure, and for no reason at all.
Many times in life we add pressure where it is not needed. Instead of allowing everything to come together in its Right time we want to apply pressure to speed up the process. We start to doubt ourselves as we tire ourselves out because we are applying pressure instead of allowing everything to come together piece by piece. We know the thoughts given to us and as we believe in the thought, we also have to believe we have the ability to create what is in thought. The process is no different than an open wound.
As thoughts are beginning to spill out of my mind, applying pressure, looking for pen and pad. Trying to keep in as much life as possible. Pen and pad in hand, stitching up the wound, writing each thought down. Thoughts written out, all stitched up. Rest, follow orders. Avoid self-pressure, don’t apply pressure to wound. Follow written plan and seek advice with any questions.
We are more than enough as long as we believe that in our heart and mind. We have to be careful applying too much pressure on to ourselves and instead allow the plan to come together the Right way not just anyway. We need to be focused on being ourselves and operate in love and faithfulness. Loving the plan, being faithful to each step of the plan, and portraying that character in everything we do. Kingdom Living.