Life is that simple.

We have all been created to be great. Many people understand this simple concept, but many people choose not to believe it. “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 19:11, NIV). The Lord knows the plans He has for us, God knows the plans He has for us. It takes belief to understand that we were made to prosper and not live in poverty, plans for hope. Hope is a feeling of expectation and a desire for a certain thing to happen. Hope is activated when we have faith and believe in what we have faith and believing for. Through God’s promises we are to prosper as long as we have faith. It requires the first action of mentally believing and having faith. It isn’t a one-time deal as it is a daily act of believing and having faith.

Many people come to this understanding and have faith, and because of that they are experiencing what they believe in. As you can see from the world around you there are many people who experience exactly what they believe in. No matter if it is good or bad, whatever they subconsciously believe in, or their habitual thought pattern is, they are living it. It has nothing to do with being religious because God never intended to bring a religion but a Kingdom from Heaven to Earth. Jesus says, “But seek first His Kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” (Matthew 6:33, NIV). “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” (James 1:27, NIV). From the passages in His words the Bible we are to seek His Kingdom and live right lives, not good or bad but right lives. When we live right lives, we remain in right standing with God our King and through that we portray His character, which is of love and faithfulness.

It is not complicated, but we have made something so simple easily complicated, but for what reason? Is it that way because many feel that life really can’t be as easy as just believing and having faith? Instead, we would rather make life complicated filled with hurdles and mountains we have placed in the way. Indeed, life is really that simple and easy, believe and have faith and you will prosper, but who you have as your covering will make it right or not.

God has provided us with all the power we need to change our circumstance and God understands the power we hold. For that reason, is why He says seek His Kingdom, and don’t be polluted by The World. See, there is this thine line we are on between what is right and what is not, and so we are told to seek His Kingdom. In that whatever we do make sure it is right, not good or bad, just right. We all have been given a choice between right or not and that is for us to make. Some people live a prosperous life and die in their glory, some people live a prosperous life and rest in their glory.

We were all made for a purpose, and some unlock their purpose and through their talents we can see their glory. We don’t know who they are truly thanking for their glory, but we can physically see it. We can see an athlete do the impossible and we stand in awe but in their mind, they are saying I knew I could this, finally I got to physically experience the mental experience. There are many athletes around the world who go through the same physical experience but not the same mental experience. Two athletes’ vision themselves doing It over and over again, but one subconsciously believes and the other subconsciously has doubt. The one athlete who truly believes can recreate this physical experience over and over again if given the chance. The other athlete stresses and thinks the exact step over and over again never knowing if they will ever do something so great again. One athlete is able to rest in their glory, knowing they can recreate it over and over again, because they are being obedient and focused on their work. So, they rest and do the daily necessary right things consistently knowing that if they follow the plan anything is possible. While the other athlete is so focused on the “specific experience” they no longer are working in complete obedience to the overall goal. They are focused on the “specific experience” they lose focus of the total obedience to their calling. They work themselves to death trying to recreate this “specific experience”, the Big Shiny Thing. They work for that one Big Shiny experience, while forfeiting their calling because they lack consistency.

Life isn’t hard but simple. Once we realize this and the greatness within us, we will begin to live a good life. But the ultimate goal is to live a Right Life. As we strive to be better than we were the day before we should ultimately want to live a Right Life. Believe and have faith and live a Right Life. A Life that will be filled with all the Right People and Things, and most importantly the Right Mindset.


Embrace the Quiet

