Bringing clarity to an overwhelmed mind in business and in life…

Our businesses life and just life in general can be very demanding. To be honest just getting up some mornings or nights depending on your schedule can seem like an all day or night task just to get to a point of feeling ok. But my community, I know they are the right encouragement I need. Thinking about others progressing forward is the encouragement that I need and we need in those days to get us back on track or keep us on track. We can’t do this life alone. I can’t always get out of my own way but a solid community progressing forward the right way is all the encouragement anyone needs.

A few days ago I woke up on the wrong but right side of the bed and I am very much grateful for that moment. I am grateful for that moment because it allowed me to experience something that I will keep with me in my businesses life and all of my life. I have to praise My God (My Yah) as He really is answering prayers through His son Jesus Christ in my life and in the people’s lives around me (whether they know it or not). I am currently working on a few new projects that align with my company Stop N’ Smell the Poop and with God’s grace and mercy things have been going according to His will (good or bad). With one of the new projects, I am co-hosting on a new podcast (11) E.M.T. Barbering - YouTube. I am co-hosting with my barber as we interview guest in the local and surrounding communities and also have live conversations as we would in the barbershop discussing The Kingdom of God and life.

As we started to get things going and implement structure and order to this plan it seems as if things have gotten busy. Now that might seem like a good thing in hindsight, but in reality, it’s better to be effective than busy. So as things started to fill my schedule up I was starting to experience and feel this Something that to be honest was good, but I was trying to make it feel right. As I began to apply the same structure and order to my schedule as we do for the podcast it’s as if my schedule opened up to the things that align with Stop N’ Smell the Poop. As I went from one night of shooting a podcast to night after night out networking with others that Something was there. It was good but I couldn’t make it feel right at all. The more I lived the life God has for me the more I realized I need Him. I began to realize that being out and exercising my gift is a lot more work than I thought it to be. The more I was out networking and sharing about my business and other projects and seeing how We can be effective together the more I realized there is an art to this.

Morning after morning I was a bad encourager to myself. I am an early riser and I also know that some dinners can go late into the night. Buttttttt, No sympathy here and non-wanted, but it goes with the story, so moving forward. Morning after morning I was a bad encourager to myself. There were some mornings that I get up and was ready to go and first thing was a Thank You Father. Annnnndddddd then some mornings I just dragged my torso up nice and slow with a loud and weird sigh, and a thought of “I don’t have to do this dude”. Seriously there is no one forcing me to wake up at 3am, especially when I have the ability to have a flexible schedule. As much as I was a bad encourager for myself, I knew I made a commitment to individuals to meet with them. As I am in my feelings, I can have two choices: ignore the feeling and stay in it and let it all be about me; or address the feeling and work it out. To be selfish or be selfless. As tired as I was I knew that I was expected to bring my A++++ game because the people I was sharing dinner with always came with theirs. I knew that I was in my feelings in moments, and I was a bad encourager to myself. But I also knew that with Him all things were possible. I possibilly needed to take a back seat and allow Him to work on me because our businesses depended on it. My business and the other people I was meeting businesses depended on us bringing our A++++ game in or out of our own feelings.

The things God has blessed us with has a job to do according to His will and It needs all of us even if we are in our feelings. But when We are able to put others before us and serve them with the last little bit of love we have before we burn out is replenishing. I found that as much as I was a bad encourager to myself, Others were the encouragement I needed. As tired as I was I knew that We had a commitment together and I had to remove myself before We meet so that I can show up the right way. This thought was something that kept me out of the way knowing that I already made a commitment to others. I knew I needed to keep my word and it was beneficial to expand ones network. With that little bit of love I had I had to just think of the meeting and knowing I need to show up right. The more I put the others in thought in those moments I was either ready to reschedule or just stay in my feelings was the encouragement I needed. Everytime I left dinner for the night I walked away with a smile. Just the encouragement I needed…

We aren’t always willing and wanting to do many of the necessary things that We know is right for us. As a new or existing business owner or just someone living in life at the moment as you workout of you what God placed in you, networking is vital. You really don’t know what someone else has until We share together. One’s God given gift is someone else’s God given blessing…



