Bringing clarity to an overwhelmed mind in business and in life…

Your responsibility as a business owner, no matter if you’re physically working in it or working it out of you, is accountability. Your businesses life will be the result of your consequences. All a consequence is a result or effect of some action no matter right or wrong. We have to be responsible to be mindful of our actions knowing our businesses life will reap either the right or wrong consequence.

It’s easy to know and have all the play-by-play details of what brought us to victory. We know the number of right and left turns to make, when to make them, and how to make them. But when it comes to those wrong consequences as a result of wrong actions it’s easy to forget all the number of right and left turns it took to get to this negative consequence. In business it’s easy to forget all of the details and that is understandable as we are taught to forget the mistakes. All those negative consequences we should avoid feeling and put them to the back and keep moving forward. So, I guess it’s easy to say it’s also understandable of why mistakes run the chance of being made over and over again. It’s hard to avoid repeated consequences if we keep feeding into it no matter right or wrong. We have to be responsible to be mindful of our actions knowing our businesses life will reap either the right or wrong consequence.

If we don’t take responsibility for our actions and keep putting them to the back of our minds it’s hard to move forward the right way, with right consequences. Life can sometimes feel like a cycle of rinse and repeat and for the most part it is, but its more mental than physical. My company Stop N’ Smell the Poop provides business consultant work, with a specialization in business development and networking. In business development and creating networks within networks there are many consequences and many times the trouble comes when someone repeats the physical action, while excluding the mental action first. The successful consequence and the un-successful consequence only differ in outcome, because the process for both are the same. It all starts with mental action that will help to start things off the right or wrong way.

No matter where I am at in my business one thing I have learned is that what I think has an effect on my business. I know I have to take responsibility of my mindful actions. When I am first seeking His Kingdom and Righteousness I know I am starting off on the right path for the business day. I might not have all the answers but that first thought process is right for my business. But just as with forgetting our past mistakes we can sometimes forget our mindful success. In my 18 years of business I can say my success was a result of the right mindset at the right moment(s), and my mistakes were moments I took my focus off the right mindset in the moment. I remember driving through Torrance, CA on a beautiful Friday and going from smiling to bluh in moments. I was able develop this wonderful relationship with a local hospital and the healthcare center I worked for at that moment just reaped the right consequence. We got an amazing referral from the hospital, and it was such a relief to finally reap the right consequence for my healthcare center. In all of that I forgot it was the right mind of keep developing the relationship not Big bad me that did it. It was me seeking His Kingdom and Righteousness and allowing God, My Yah to guide me in the right direction by giving me the right thoughts to have. Right mind, right words, right actions. Except my consequence for the wrong mindful thought cost me a speeding ticket.

That wrong consequence due to my wrong mindful thought of Big Bad Me cost me several hundred dollars in the ticket and increased car insurance. Just because we are doing things right in the moment doesn’t mean we are exempt from negative consequences. We can run from our mistakes and we can run form right mindful thoughts but at some point we will be taking back to where it all began, our mind. My business, our businesses can’t afford to have negative consequence after negative consequence. At some point it will cost you and that cost can take a negative toll on business and life. We aren’t perfect, I am not perfect, but I know that if I can remember to seek first His Kingdom and Righteousness that is a good start. No matter if its the starts of the day or the re-start of the right thought process. Taking back responsibility of our mindful actions knowing that our businesses life will reap either the right or wrong consequence.


Bad Encourager…


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