
Have I thought my way out of being thankful for the small thing I have been given? That small thing if it didn’t exist, I wouldn’t exist. Without that small thing these words I have written would have never been first thought then written down. That small thing that allows Us to enjoy all the Big Shiny Thing(s). Life…

I have been on this new journey and while I love every step of the way many times the true love of the journey doesn’t come until after I think. It is hard to be truly thankful for something or someone unless first you think of their true purpose. When you truly know why someone, or something is there present in your life you begin to feel appreciation. The appreciation can be negative or positive, but only the person knows their heart. Many times, it’s about someone’s perception. Someone decides to use a co-worker to advance their career, and they appreciate the co-worker. Someone decides to hire a fitness trainer so they can keep up with their grandchildren, and they appreciate the fitness trainer. A co-worker discovers they are being used and they appreciate the knowledge and the person for revealing their true character and the fitness trainer appreciates the person for believing in them. No matter the outcome when someone knows the true purpose for something or someone, some feeling of appreciation will be felt.

One person that I appreciate in my life is my daughter. Even as a child she has taught me so much in her young age. She really just does what she loves, because of that I want to give her the best. I want her to be so free to be her I will make any sacrifice so she can enjoy freedom. Through all of these efforts I use to have times of feeling burdened by my own choices that have cut into her freedom of life. To the point that some weekends we were hermit crabs, because I was having this pity party. Still, through my pity parties she found a way to make the best of the moment with me. My daughter got me to a point to think about the life I was given and be thankful for my life. My eyes were so fixed on the Big Shiny Thing(s) I forgot about the life that helped produce those Big Shiny Thing(s). My appreciation for my daughter has grown even more because she reminds me to enjoy life. Through that I show appreciation to God for the life He has given me. I understand the true purpose for the sacrifice of Jesus, and now I can appreciate my life. With my appreciation of life, I can now appreciate the big shiny thing(s) of life. I am no longer chasing after the big shiny things I am walking each step with appreciation along the way.

At one point I would rather sacrifice my life to chase after the Big Shinny Thing(s). Stressing myself out, fearing I won’t live up to the world’s expectations. I knew if I kept on this road I would fall short of grasping the Big Shinny Thing because I neglected my life. Lives ended chasing after a Big Shinny Thing, instead of first thinking and being thankful for life itself. I never took the moment to be Thinkful, until now. Before I was only Thankful in heart but never Thinking in mind what the true purpose of a thing was for. Once I stopped to think I became Thinkful so that It holds value and appreciation in my heart and mind.

“I know that there is nothing better for people than to be happy and to do good while they live. That each of them may eat and drink, and find satisfaction in all their toil - this is the gift of God.” (Ecclesiastes 3:12-13, NIV)


Am I Enough…


Becoming Whole Again