The worry bug....

The worry bug strikes again, but this time I was better prepared to handle this strike.  I didn't get over my worries instantly, but it didn't last as long as it would in the past.  In the past if I worried about something it would consume me and I would just be stuck in this state of worry for days.  This time around it got cut down to about a day and it was a great feeling to push through my worries.  It isn't an easy thing to be able to transform the mind back to a state of not worrying, and to be honest at times it feels like a dragged-out battle.  Sometimes in those battles I come out limping, but I survive and push through.  This time it was just different, and I don't know for certain if this outcome will happen again, but I have faith I will always push through.

See, this week started off great and for the first couple of days everything was just going smooth.  It was like riding a never-ending wave on the perfect beach day.  Just no worries or cares at all and it felt amazing, and in my mind I felt so much peace.  Well, that all came to a screeching halt when I hear a ping, look down at my phone to see my bank account in the negative.  Ummmmm well, that wasn't expected at all and really threw me off.  Immediately my mind starts to scramble, bills are due, my car needs gas, I didn't go grocery shopping yet, ugh the agony.  My mind is scrambling as my fingers are scrambling to call my bank.  I am on the phone with them and we realize there is an error and they can help me.  Then, immediately my mind starts to calm down, relax, and my thinking becomes better.  After that call I realized that in all my worrying there was actually nothing that I could have done, except to call my bank.  All the scenarios and thoughts that were running through my head in a state of worry would lead to nothing, because no significant action would be taken.  Until I took action to call my bank, the only thing to have power to change my circumstance, nothing significant was going to happen.

When we are in a state of worry our mind is in a frenzy causing our actions to not be logical.  We start to think and do things that are outside of what our normal thoughts and actions should be.  We begin to worry about what might happen, causing us to mentally and physically prepare for the what if.  Instead of being mindful, taking the time to gather our thoughts, be aware of the situation, and take proper action toward the present.  Worry takes us to a place in the future where there is no guarantee you will even get there, instead of focusing on the present moment you are living in.      



Saved or Tired?


Faith in the blessings or the works?