Faith in the blessings or the works?

Have you ever truly asked yourself why do I have faith in what I am doing?  Do you have faith in the process and knowing this is what I am meant to do?  Or do you have faith in the blessings you saw someone else receive?  That is a question that I have asked myself in the past and continue to keep asking.  It's not that I am second guessing myself, but I have recognized that I have to make sure that my heart and attitude are in the right place in whatever I am doing.

I have a background in sales and business development, and one of the main reasons I initially got into it was because of the money.  I have been around salespeople most of my life, my dad was always in sales and business development, and he still is in it now.  When you are surrounded by successful salespeople you see the lives they live.  Having the nice house and the cool cars, and just always happy.  I started to build my faith in the blessings I saw everyone else have.  If they followed the process and got all of this, then it will happen to me too.  My faith was in what I could see not in what the faith could do.  The accomplished sales and business development people I was around had put their faith in the process and the works.  Understanding that the power they wanted didn't lie in the money and wealth, but in the daily doing of their work with the right attitude.  When they consistently worked with the right attitude, they knew it would unlock the power they wanted, and in the end, they would see their success.  The successful people I was around weren't driven by the things they saw but driven by the faith they saw someone else have and what it unlocked for their lives.  Just because you saw someone else getting blessed doesn't mean the same thing will happen to you.  Your blessing might come in a different form but how the blessing came to be is still the same between both people.  

We all have heard the story of when Jesus turned water into wine.  What was missed was right in front of us and that was the actions of the disciples.  When that story is being told everyone is so amazed by the miracle.  Literally this man took water and turned it into wine, and that is hard for us to understand in our minds because we have never seen it.  So, we get excited hearing this story and believing in this miracle thinking that Jesus can turn our situation around from nothing to something just like the water to wine.  We start to have more faith in the miracle and the act and lose focus on the power that was displayed, but Jesus disciples didn't.  When the water was being turned into wine no one ever experienced that before.  In John 2 and towards the end of verse 11 it says, "and his disciples believed him", meaning Jesus.  They believed and had faith in the one that had the power to change the water to wine, not in the miracle that was performed.

Do you have faith in the process and knowing this is what I am meant to do?  Or do you have faith in the blessings you saw someone else receive?  We all have something we are meant to do.  Are you doing that something based off the faith in the blessings you see everyone else have or the faith in the process and knowing this is what I am meant to do?   


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